Brilliant Bloodfeather

Pecks the ground and idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

This is one of my favorites. With the self-heal from drain blood I find she's near indestructible.Â
"Prissy" is gorgeous and that Quill is outstanding, esp when Hawk Eye is used first. If she gets into trouble, Drain Blood is a super way to get some health back, esp as a finishing move. The only thing I don't care for is the sound she makes when she's hit...she sounds like a little old school teacher who was insulted repeatedly! "Ohhh! Tsk, tsk! Gasp! Squeak!" And so...her name is Prissy! She is one of my best leveling 25's, and she's usally #3 in the team for safety.
Impressive moveset and I love the way this little guy looks!Â
The bloodfeather is particularly strong against Stitches Jr in the Garrison Menagerie battles. In fact, it's pretty darn effective against a lot of things!
Yup, Orunni Coast is the place to go. FIRST battle and there was the rare I was looking for. Thanks for the tip!
Found several around Retribution Point flightpath in talador. Got a rare after my 3 try on that tiny little pet wile trying to lvl up my lvl 17 dragon.Â
Unfortunately i killd mine. They seems to take HUGE dmg. >.<
Can't say it was a hard pet to find. Just walked both north and south around 40,77 and there was plenty. The only thing i noticed is the pet has a long respawn timer.
Finally popped this mini-peafowl to 25 and I must say, I'm very impressed with the skillset. Â Very steady in the DPS department and with Drain Blood I can certainly see a pair of these being an excellent leveling team. Â The cooldown seems just right to keep them alive and fighting to wear down higher-level opponents for a swift one-shot by the pet you're trying to level.
Also got mine (Rare) around 57.7, 12.5 on the Orunai Coast...
yep area is correct.. not too many around  cute  guy  but used a N' Whisp lvl25 rare and nearly killed it in two hitsÂ
Caught this little cutie traveling along the road near Vol'Jin's Pride in Talador, sadly captured a poor quality and didn't see any other spawns but it's possible i just wasn't looking hard enough. Very fun pet to have though!