
Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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1-11 of 11

Polly was my first lvl 25, rare, S/S. For acquatics can better than Ikky, don't need the extra speed and her crit always crits (mine at least). She's amazing.Â
This is the first pet I decided to look at the stats on and compare breeds...the numbers aren't right. Â This Polly is UC lvl 7 with 342 HP, 75 attack and 118 speed. Â Taking his buff off puts him at 342 HP, 75 attack, and 79 speed, which fits the breed 10, 20 for atk and speed, but not for HP.
Is there naturally a discrepancy in stats or what?
Such a nuisance, I've probably fought 200 of these things before coming across my first rare, and my damn pet critted it on the 2nd hit and killed it. Â I'll probably not see another rare for 200 more battles. Â My only consolation is finding a rare Crimson Moth two fights later
[edit] I was afraid of killing the moth, so 2nd team I sent to fight it wound up being to weak, and they lost. Â 8 fights later, I found another rare Polly and caught this one, after it killed my Mr. Grubbs
If you get the S/S breed, it is super fast, but the P/S breed will probably fare better over all, and is still pretty fast at 322.
The first one of found of these was flying circles too high to attack. After trying to battle it with no success, I decided to move on hoping I would find another. They weren't as hard to find as I thought they would be. Second one I went for was a rare :)
after bitter dissapointment after disapointment trying to catch a rare polly, i left and came back a weekish later and got one on my 2nd 'polly' right next to King Bangalash.
Looking for a fast pet? Well Polly here ties for third fastest pet in the game, and ties for first when above 50% health. With 358 speed at 25, before factoring the passive flying types get, a pure speed breed Polly outspeeds most. I recommend using the moveset thrash, adrenaline rush, and lift off. Thrash is going to almost always hit 3 times, adrenaline rush will boost your speed even more when lacking the passive, and lift off prevents polly from taking damage for one turn while hitting hard.
For those interested, if you can get a pure speed based polly rare, it currently the fastest speed based pet in the game with its racial active. It took me around 5 rares to finally find the top speed based rare version of it.
The flavor text on this one seems a bit odd, as parrots are not generally known to eat fish.
agreed as far as the low health ... took only two shots from my lvl5 magic lantern to make it trap-able
Be aware. Polly has pretty low health for a level 7-8. Pretty easy to kill even when using a similar level. I had to use a level 5 because I kept 1-2 shotting every time.