Watcher of the Huntress

Watcher of the Huntress
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds to Warband
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Special promotion.
Limited time only.
Limited time only.
1 allowed
The War Within
Patch 11.0.2 | Posted: August 26, 2024
Between August 26, 2024 until September 26, 2024, players that gifted eligible WoW Twitch Streamers with two(2) Twitch Subscriptions were awarded with a code to redeem this pet.
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

got the pet after gifting two subs. interestingly, if you look at it in your journal it shows the source as the Trading Post.
Got mine a few minutes ago, but had to wait a few hours as well :D
I was having the same problem, but it just showed up - 2pm US eastern, August 27th.
Same here so i will see if i have it tonight and if not i will do the same thing
I also did the gift subs, redeemed the code and still no sign of the pet aftet 8 hours, GM said max 24 so if/when it's not delivered by 09:00 BST, I'll reopen my ticket
I gifted the two subs, redeemed the code, but no pet has appeared yet. So if you are in the same boat, just be patient!