Northern Hawk Owl

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constsant)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

A real unexpected powerhouse. Call Darkness + Nocturnal Strike are an incredible combo, and with the pet being really fast, Quills often pays off as well.
I love this pet, it looks really cool and has a solid moveset and is a regular in my team.
got my first rare coords 57,70 next to a family of snow runner foxes, next one 57,72 first attempt i miss clickied and ran off the side of a cliff and died lol, i think i will get all 3 so i dont have to worry about em after this nut looks like they are base type rare :)
Wow blizz, you added a only rare pet!
All i find are critter, none so far i could tame. Not sure if they changed anything in 7.1, any one know ?
I've now done battle 5 times and every time a Rare. Seems that is the only type for this pet.
My first, that I caught / saw was rare. All 3 I battled for the snowfeather hatchling were rare.
This has become one of my go-to pets for doing the Panderan dailies, especially any of the aquatic types. Not sure why, but the high speed and powerful single-hit abilities can mess up several of the beasts of fable.
I've found 5 in a row now that are rares, and everyone I've talked to in WCP/MM/LPL/PP and A3 (all pet collecting guilds) said they got rares on the first try as well. I think this pet might be base-quality of Rare.
I've seen two rares in less than 10 minutes.
Cute little owl on top of the mountain
Go check out Ironhorn Enclave. I've seen 4 rares in a row now. Best get them before its changed!
First find luck with a rare, too @ 49.99, 70.46.
Rare found 49.99, 75.56 Highmountain Peak.
Found a few today. Got lucky with a rare. Found at Ironhorn Enclave, Highmountain. 56.89, 83.78.