Fledgling Nether Ray

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found around most manaforges in Netherstorm.

I finally found my first rare at Manaforge Coruu on Twisting Nether server at 7:10pm server time. Yay. =)
against Taran Zhu in the celestial tournament, this is a must have first pet. Just spam Shadow Shock until both the first two pets are dead. Easy. Their humanoid abilities do minimal damage vs. your flyer. Then i usually bring in an Unborn Valkyrie and you can either Haunt or just use Val's basic attacks against humanoids and still win without even bringing in your third pet.  IF u actually need a third pet then have the spell Death Coil to make an easy win....good luck all.
A good all-round pet, can be diverse against other pets, looks pretty badass as well :)
322 power while still having above medium speed with 273, this is even doubled because of the flying racial. And to top it off it has the most diverse move set of all pets, having choice of attacks that are strong against 6 pet families. Problem is low health and no avoidance or damage reduction. Also some attacks don't go well with the high speed. All in all can do some damage but is very squishy, you probably won't last through one opposing pet. One good use is take Lash and hunt Mechanicals.
Got my rare today around 2am on Arathor near the manaforge at coords: 54.89 63.05. I've been looking for a rare on and off for a very long time so I am so glad to finally have one.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this pet only seems to be a primary pet, makes it all the harder to farm up a rare, on any server.
Just got my rare at Manaforge Coruu 15:30 server time
This is a great pet! Â It hits hard, and because of it's diverse ability set, nothing it can't chew the face off of.Â
This little guy will have strong attacks against 3 of the pet families by itself, (or bring 2 and have a strong atack against all but beast, undead, dragon and elemental)! Broom would be solid 3rd strong Dragon/Beast.
I don't have much exp with PvP, but I have to believe it would be strong there too as you don't typically know what you're going up against. Â
Just captured my rare (level 19) at Manaforge B'naar (23.77, 71.83) at 1:55PM server time on Azralon. It was accompanied by two mice. Good luck!
Found my rare around Manaforge Ara. I had no luck at all at Maraforge B'naar. The first one at Ara was a rare. Around 11:45pm realm time on Nesingwary.
So which do you think is better? This or http://www.warcraftpets.com/wow-pets/flying/nether-rays/nether-ray-fry/ ?
Got my rare version (finally!) at Mana Forge B'naar at 1:37pm EST.Â
I found a poor quality just outside Cosmowrench. Had a rare Cat backup so I tamed that one instead.
Found mine on the first island and I'm pretty sure it was where some blood elf guys that you could kill are. I also, only found one and it was an uncommon. Happy Hunting!! :D
Just found one but it wont add to the Outland Safari achievement...
Had a bit of trouble with these guys pathing through the terrain. The one I snagged near Ultris actually went deep enough into one of the hills that his symbol disappeared off my minimap. This of course led to the 'pet battle area is obscured' error once he finally did emerge.Â
The only advice I can offer is to keep trying, adjusting your position and trying to engage it every time it moves even a little. Don't give up if this happens! ^_^
Found alot more of these in the morning than in the evening. Dunno if it's just because less people are farming in the mornings. But at 9 am there were almost 10 at each mana forge. Took me a while to get a rare though, most were common or poor quality. They have a bad habit of flying inside rocks, if you see the green paw icon but no pet, just wait a few seconds for it to fly out and you can battle it.
Found a bunch at bnarr, and several around the other manaforge areas. Made a circuit of them and some new ones respawned in old areas by the time i was done, finally got a rare, took about 15min. Got a rare netheroach in process as well. My main point however is that they do respawn.
10:45 server time found one each at Manaforge Duro(common) and Coruu (Rare), flew back around to post info here, saw no other spawns.
Both yesterday and today, I was in the B,nar area around 4:30am realm time. There were half a dozen of these all around that area.Â