Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling

Ground (hovers)
Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found in Thundermar and Kirthaven.
Level 0:

I wanted this one for my Hunter, I have 2 gryphon hunter pets and wanted this one to bring a third into the mix. Surprised there aren't more gryphon pets.
They are 2nd pets all around Kirthaven and Thundermar.
I am Horde and stayed out of the towns.
Horde can not battle the ones in the towns.
Rare at 61,9 and 50,24 within 20min of each other.
Just snagged this guy - didn't have to wait around or anything so I figured be good idea to share time/date/sever name for those who might need the info:
As a horde you can't battle this pet as a primery. You need to look for a secundary pet to capture. Near firebeard's petrol I found my s/s breed as a secundary pet against a twilight fiendling. Happy Hunting everyone (:
Got mine today. Started on my BE Mage and couldn't battle it, only leave or kill it, so I switched to my gnomre rogue on the same server and caught him. Makes me wonder if it is actually bound to the alliance side.
Engaged all pet battles in & around Thundermar.When one wasn't a secondary pet I forfeited & killed the pet Found 2 poor's P/P & H/H as secondarys. Went back to Stable Master to heal & there were 3 sitting at Flight Master. B/B S/S & H/H all uncommon. Went back day after to hunt few more rares & nealry every battle i engaged in at Obsidian Forest A gryphon was a secondary 2 rares & rest common
Just tried to engage several of these as Horde and it wouldn't let me, they were clearly marked with "paws" as engageable battle pets but it wouldn't. Hopped on my Ally and battled them no problem. Obviously this happens sometimes and sometimes doesn't. The ones I were trying to engage were primarys. Good luck.
This pet is NOT bound to any faction.
Got alot of them appered as 2 pets around 58,56 - (around Firebeard's Patrol)
I know that its some small gryphon critters running around in twilight highlands
Anyone know if this is bound to a fraction?? found one wild one and i could'nt tame it at all. All i could do was leave it or attack it
Got a P/S rare earlier today, and this guy is a Aqua destroying powerhouse. If you are having issues with any Aqua pets, get one of these.
This pet comes in 3 sizes - small, medium, large. The small is the same size as the Gryphon Hatchling. Large is about twice as big.
Sizes work just like different colors on other pets and will stay consistent after taming. Sizes are not related to rarity or breed. If you find a WGH as a secondary pet, then forfeit to reset the battle, the size will reset so you can pick the size you want.
If you use Flock you can see all 3 sizes in the attack animation.
I found that the nearby trash battle-pets to where the primary Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchling spawned seemed to have a higher rate of having them as a secondary pet. Found 3 in a row like this. In total it took 8 encounters with Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchlings to get my S/S which I then upgraded to rare for the Xu-Fu encounter in the Celestial Tournament.
Can be tricky to farm the breed you want, there are a lot of breeds to chose from. P/P 341 power is a true powerhouse, and to me it was worth waiting for this breed. It's basic 100% hit Peck move hits for 361(almost 500 on Aquatics). This combined with high speed, and avoidance in Lift-Off makes a very useful pet. One of my favourite birds.
BS it has nothing to do with faction. I was on my horde druid and saw 2 spawn right near the FP, luckly for me these little babies pat around the area. I got close enough to click on one to battle and all that came up was a sword NOT a green paw print. Angled my camera down so I had a better veiw of the BP but still a sword and when I placed my mouse over the non pb nothing came up IF this is an alli only pet, then blizzard needs to fix the info in the pet journal.
Note: There are two types of Wildhammer Gryphon Hatchlings. There are a BattlePet version, and just a critter version. You cant tame a critter. It has nothing to do with faction.
I am currently on my Alliance hunter looking at one of these as main-pet - But it is down a cellar with very little room - I cant seem to get into battle with it..... Any tricks to get the ones in the basement engaged?
Nice to see there's a stable master at firebeard's patrol for alliance to make farming this pet a little easier. While i main horde it is nice to have a 90 alliance on a pve realm for things like this xP Caught a p/p common one as secondary to a twilight fiendling, will give it a go for a while before i just give up and wait for a stone from dailies =] Good luck!
I just found 2 near the riverbank. A common and uncommon, secondary and tertiary to a poor scorpid.
They are definitely different sizes... I have 3 and when they fight side by side one is as small as a crab and the other is larger than my fawn. Huge differences!
Has anyone else noticed that there are variable sizes for these guys? I'm not sure if it's coincidence, but the one I caught from a primary spawn is almost twice as large as the one I caught in a secondary battle. My friends and I compared ours side by side and found them to be slightly different in sizes too!