Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji

Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.0 | Posted: September 10, 2013
Players can earn Celestial Coins by completing the account-wide weekly quest, The Celestial Tournament. Upon completing this quest for the first time, players will receive a one time quest that also rewards Celestial Coins.
Level 0:

This guy can solo the Pandaren Water Spirit's whole team, 2-2-1. Useful if farming the daily!
Awesome against aquatics and everything else slower then him.
Ch-Chi is so pretty! Just got him as my first celestial pet, and don't regret it :)
I love to use Chi-Chi on my aquatic levelling team, for those occasions where I just want to grind out some levels. Open with the levelling pet and then swap in Chi-Chi. Tranquility keeps them topped up, Alpha Strike eats the aquatics for breakfast, and there's always Ethereal if someone tries Dive or another big hit. Minimal downtime required and no need to find a stable master!
-Tranquility is powerful. Even more than a Healing Wave.
-Ethereal can dodge attacks regardless of your speed.
-Highly reliant upon having a greater speed to dps efficiently due to the only 2 attacks it has relying on extra hits if faster.
-If you are struggling to survive, your damage will be low since Tranq has to be put out every 2 turns. Rotations like Tranq>Ethereal>Alpha Strike>Tranq>Alpha Strike result in low damage.
I use the Pandaren Water Spirit with Chrominius strat.
Geyser then Whirlpool, then switch to Chrominius
Howl, Surge of Power. DEAD!
You can also do Zao right after with the same pets.
This pet is highly underrated; with Alpha strike, Tranq and Ethereal it can solo nearly everything; it can kill any number of water pet without external heal.
I like using Chi-Chi as my opener. I use Ethereal Magic and Fire Quills for damage and Ethereal to dodge big moves. I can usually take down one-and-a-half pets doing this if the person is using hard-hitters or slow pets.
Chi-Chi is my goto pet for No-No. I have two other strong flyers just in case but generally Chi-Chi can almost solo No-No. I use alpha strike, tranq, and ethereal. Chi generally takes three hits (if they aren't crits) before the flyer racial comes off. I can usually get him up to full health by using tranq when No-No uses that dam and ethereal takes care of his dives (when he doesn't have a dam up.)
He's made No-No so much easier. I do, at times, have to start over but not nearly as much as I did before.
It's not as strong as the boss version, I can't find a team to put it in yet.
I don't mind having comments about the fight posted here.
More comments about the pet itself and not the fight please. That's what the forums and wowhead are for. :\
Aped a strat from wowhead that has never once failed me. Need a pet that has rot and wild magic, which is either Fetish Shaman or Voodoo Figurine, and Giant Sewer Rat.
1)Start with Voodoo Figurine, you can Flame Breath, but be aware, YOU MUST Have Wild Magic AND Rot on her, so if you want to risk it and Flame breath fine, just know that if she kills you, you will res up using the ability you hit, so it NEEDS to be wild magic so the last undead round you use Rot.
2)Swap to Giant Sewer Rat and Stampede. Make sure you juke her Ethereal Shift so you get 3 full rounds of Stampede and it guarantees her death.
Worked every time, only time I've EVER had issue is due to user error in that she killed my pet while I was trying to flame breath so I rezzed up using Flame breath instead of wild magic. Effortless win otherwise.
I hate Chi-Chi, he's made me restart 4 times.
This week, I had my easiest go at him.
Started with Gilnean Raven and used Darkness, then nevermore. Tagged out to the Sprite Darter Hatchling, life Exchange then spam arcane blast till you die.
Then Lil' Deathwing darkness, Elementium bolt (you can swap those two depending if he has a tranquility up or not/if you know he has used his dodge recently) then finish off Chi-Chi with Tail Sweeps.
Chi-chi is easy I need only Pandaren Water Spirit with Whirlpool,Geyser and Chrominius with Howl,Surge of Power first swap elemental I use Gayser first and next Whirlpool next swap pet on chrominius howl + Gayser and Whirlpool kill chi-chi and surge of power finish him
Glinean Raven. First turn Darkflame, second Nevermore. Switch to a to a slime and magic attack till the slime dies, bring out the Raven again and you should be able to kill chi-chi shortly after.
3 snails makes this an easy fight. If you don't have 3 snails leveled up just go catch however many Rapana Whelks you need in Dread Wastes. All 3 snails should have Ooze Touch, Acidic Goo, and Dive.
Acidic Goo, Ooze Touch, Dive, [Acidic Goo, Ooze Touch, switch snails, Dive]
Repeat the bracketed section until Chi-Chi dies. Chi-Chi's turn with Ethereal active should always match up with your dives.
3 Snails and it doesnt get any easier. Chi is weak against them and they have strong attack against Chi.
Nuked it using 2 pets.
Many Wyrmling.
I found this one the hardest by quite a way, I've got over 250 rare level 25 pets and it owned most of them, inc several magic teams. What made this easier for me was using 3 of the "oozeling" type pets, namely Filthling - Living Fluid - Jade oozeling. I won with 2 pets alive but both under half health.