Vibrant Glimmerfly

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

This pet can demolish many of the NPC pet battles. It's particularly good against battles where the lead pet has a huge health pool and the two backing pets aren't as strong. Glowing toxin > sweep, then use mana surge between. I have three 325 speed versions which are top 5 pets for me.
There are H/B as well
Was doing PVP with battle pets yesterday and was pleased with the team I had...until I was up against THREE Vibrant Glimmerfly! They cleaned my clock with all using SWEEP! Sweep: 5 Round Cooldown - 100% Hit Chance - Deals 394 Magic damage and forces the opponent's highest health pet to swap into battle. I never got to land a SINGLE damage on any of them!
I caught a common S/B 1115/203/244
Only flying type that may have a full Magic moveset. This will be particularly useful in countering Flyers for the family achievements. Either H/B or P/B are the likely best breeds.
I'm impressed by this pet. Counterspell is OP on a flying pet. Paired with a pet that has Arcane Storm -- like Nexus Welpling -- and this guy is an absolute killing machine.
Got a B/B a few days ago.
@Zahira, mine is S/B. H-1300 P-240 S-289 (at 23)
I catched S/B ... H1404, P261, S314 at 25 (blue)
so far I've only seen PB anyone see any other breed?