Tainted Moth

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

Oy vey. I've been riding around Felwood for over a week, battling everything, and just today found a rare toad. Now the moth is all I need, guess I'm going to level a lot of pets in here. At least I've gotten 10+ levels myself too, almost ready to head out to whatsitcalled, the new zone.Â
Not many of these spawn in Felwood. Ended up clearing other pet mobs and got my rare as a secondary add from a Tainted Rat.
Breed / Capture Advice :
As this moveset is shared alongside 14 other moths, there are plenty of options to cover all 10 breeds.
The breeds of this moth are the 2 most common in the moveset, but is only identical in breed selection with the Luyu Moth.
Shared breeds :
BB - Most (excluding Amber, Oasis)
HS - Most (excluding Blue, Oasis, Red, Silky, White, Yellow)
PS - Amber, Gilded, Luyu, Red, Tainted
I'd read if you catch these as a secondary, they change colors every time you summon them. Is this currently working for anyone?
FINALLY found a rare after hours of farming. Â Found (rares) 5 Tainted Rats, 3 Beetles, 3 Toads, 2 Tainted Roaches and 1 Poor P/P Minfernal before my rare Tainted Moth popped. Mine showed up in the Irontree Woods.Â
Finally found an uncommon one as an add on to a Tainted Rat, couldn't find one by itself higher than common.
I got my rare as a secondary to a lvl 14 Tainted Rat.
After a complete lap around Felwood, I finally found a green one in Irontree Woods (50, 26)Â :/
I give up. I've been up and down the zone 5 times checking every pet I come across. I'm starting to think this guy doesn't come in blue :/ Â
I have hard times finiding a blue quality one for this pet...
Found one just north of the Ruins of Constellas.
Thanks, I found one in Whisperwind Grove. However, I accidently killed it -_- Luckily I can now report they also spawn in the Ruins of Constellas.
Found mine at Whisperwind Grove. Did a lap of felwood and this was the only one i found. Anyone find them elsewhere in Felwood?