Blue Moth

Blue Moth Egg
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about and sheds dust.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Burning Crusade expansion required.
3 allowed
The Burning Crusade
Patch 2.0.1 | Posted: April 1, 2007

Blue Moth Egg
Item Level 20
Binds when used
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your moth.
Sell Price: 12 50
This pet is only sold to alliance characters. Horde characters may purchase this pet through a neutral auction house and on occasion through their own auction house.
The Blue Moth is a trainable pet in Mists of Pandaria. However, only Draenei are offered this option from Battle Pet Trainers. Once learned, all characters will have access to this pet.

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

Breed / Capture Advice :
As this moveset is shared alongside 14 other moths, there are plenty of options to cover all 10 breeds.
Of the 2 breeds of this moth is a very common one, but is the only other moth that is limited to only 2 breeds, alongside Amber Moth.
Shared breeds :
BB - Most (excluding Amber, Oasis)
HB - Most (excluding Amber, Fungal, Grey, Luyu, Silky, Tainted)
This has always been one of my favorite pets, before they could battle.
I used to love the double Blue Moth team with my Hunter.
As a battle pet, it is pretty good, but the Yellow Moth would be a better choice by default, since that one comes in a P/P breed.
And unfortunately they kinda overdid it with the amount of Moth pets to collect, but this one still has a special place for me.
My B/B 25 rare Blue Moth is my go-to moth. It destroys aquatic pets and I've even killed No-No with it without taking damage. This thing rocks.
Has anyone gotten a rare of this one or any of the others Sixx sells, or is Uncommon the only type you get?