Young Venomfang

Young Venomfang
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.2.0 | Posted: March 28, 2017
Players must first complete and turn in Wailing Critters before gaining access to the weekly quest that rewards Damp Pet Supplies. This short quest chain starts in Breanni's shop in Dalaran (Broken Isles), and requires at least three level 25 battle pets.
The challenge version of the Pet Battle Dungeon requires at least 15 level 25 battle pets.
Players cannot heal or revive their pets during challenge-mode, similar to the Celestial Tournament scenario.
This pet can spawn in as one of two different skins when summoned.
The challenge version of the Pet Battle Dungeon requires at least 15 level 25 battle pets.
Players cannot heal or revive their pets during challenge-mode, similar to the Celestial Tournament scenario.
This pet can spawn in as one of two different skins when summoned.
Level 0:

1-10 of 10
1-10 of 10

Young Venomfang doesn't change colour unlike what the notes say. No matter how many times I summon them, the green one always stays green, and likewise the blue one always stays blue. If you wanted both variants you would have to get one of each.
This pet has and extremely high drop rate from the Damp Pet Supplies. I have obtained 10 of them so far.
I got impatient and found one at a nice price on another server - I'm a little disappointed in the appearance, it doesn't look as polished as most of the new-model pets. I wonder if they haven't got to the flappy snakes various winged serpents yet.
Week 9 of doing the instance with no Cavern Moccasin, Everliving Spore, or Young Venomfang. At least the prices are coming down now in the Auction House.
Edit: Got the Young Venomfang on week 10. Bought the Cavern Moccasin for 9k and on week 12, I finally got the Everliving Spore. I also got another Young Venomfang. Be patient and you will get all 3.
Contrary to what is stated on the information page, not all of these are "color changers". One of mine is ALWAYS black and blue - in combat, in journal and summoned. The other two are indeed color changers (their color in journal is fixed, but its randomized in combat and outdoors)
Would love to get an always green one, for completionism and because I like that skin better, but no luck with that so far :>
Got one also from the challenge bag. It was Common
I got one of these from my first challenge bag, but it's the green and yellow skin rather than the black. Seems that they may come in multiple colors like their larger cousins.
Edit: D'oh, the alternate skin is showing up on the general tab wasn't before.
Seems to only drop in common variety. So make sure you make him rare before using your ultimate leveling stone.
Also recieved a common H/P.
I got one. :-)
As it's "Pet battle bonus event" I will upgrade it and level it.