Teroclaw Hatchling

Teroclaw Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Teroclaw Nests can be found under large trees in the forests of Talador. Neutral Teroclaw Chick mobs can usually be found next to a nest.
Players can loot the Teroclaw Hatchling pet from a nest only once per character.
Players can loot the Teroclaw Hatchling pet from a nest only once per character.
Level 0:

There are two other fliers that have a similar profile to what Teroclaw Hatchling had before they nerfed it. Waterfly and Shimmering Aquafly both have Alpha Strike / Healing Stream / Dodge in different slots. It isn't Nature's Ward, but Healing Stream is a solid heal.
I just did Blingtron 4000 in the trounament with aquatic with pump and water jet and teroclaw and elekk plushie for awfully big adventure. I had a hard time doing this but these two pets did work. Teroclaw, I used claw, natures ward and hawkeye. I kept hawkeye and natures ward up on cool down and it worked fine. Good luck!
An update from a pet battler on the BfA beta test server. Not sure if it's permanent, but they just put Dodge and Nature's Ward both in slot 2, thereby messing up a lot of effective pet world quest strategies.
I did the weekly quest of five PVP battles with three of these guys on my team. All had the exact same, Alpha Strike, Dodge, and Nature's Ward. I rarely had to switch from my number one, and a lot of times the other person run when seeing I had three. I did this on three alts and my main. I lost one fight, and that was against Greeves, Clockwork Gnome, and something else. He switched on almost every turn thus reducing the effectiveness of lasting damage inflicted during dodge.
I just returned after a year break. Last time I was in WoW I pretty much ignored this pet. Now it seems to be a mainstay in many of the new Legion Pet Tamers and becoming a new favorite of mine!
Might not look like much, but is a solid PVP pet.
This is an insane pet. Thanks to racial, Alpha Strike strikes with bonus damage and Dodge dodges attacks during two turns instead of one. Also, Nature's Ward will get rid of the weakness to magic attack, reactivate the racial in case the health gets back to more than 50% and continue healing the pet even if it is in the back row.
Wonderful at PvE and can very easily be a part of a PVP team. It is a crime that this pet is not rated in top 20.
One of my Go To pets. She'll stack up against almost anything and Nature's Ward will bounce her back when she takes a hit. Probably not in the top 20 because of those odd looking legs, but if you don't have her in your stable you're missing out.
It's criminal that this guy is not in the Top 20. Seems utterly broken in Pandaria making a mockery of much of the content there. As a top flyer, it competes (and exceeds imo due to surivivability and flexibility) with Yellow Moth, Ikky, Gilnean Raven.
Can often be found on the AH for shockingly low price. Essential Pet.
This little guy is easy to find and you get a rare first time, however you can only get one per char so don't waste your time clicking other nests after you get one, they will just be empty.
I was lucky when I started to PB two week ago, the TCH was already in my pet list. I leveled him up in a few hours, still learning how to PB. It is my go to when leveling up other pets and trying new strats. Get this pet, you'll be glad you did.
Skunky Alemental will eat this pet alive so be careful if your other team has one. Skunky brew is very strong with 5 rounds of holding you in place and if you cast your heal Brew Bolt will end your fight.
Truly a top pet. I run with Alpha Strike, Dodge and Nature's Ward. This allows the Hatchling to do serious damage then switch and heal in back line and be ready again for a new damage run. Easily handles Anubisath Idols, Rabbits and many other slower pets. You need to be careful though not to lose your racial since 260 speed makes this pet vulnerable. Some prefer Claw but I like the strong vs Aquatic attacks from Alpha Strike. Very solid solo pet, excellent starter and sweeper all in one go.
Mine was in the first nest I checked, and it's a rare. :-)
I got this guy from the first nest I clicked on near Retribution Point, on my way to Gul'rok.
same to me. I have 3 Teroclaw Hatchling and all of the are rare now but I cannot jailed anymore? Is it a bug?
With 6.1 live today, I noticed mine was now rare quality, but I did not use a stone to upgrade it. Was the base quality changed with the patch?
fun fact, the teroclaw hatchling was inspired by a real life bird called the Lammergeier, Aka the beared vulture. Bearded vultures are known for their uniqie plummage, which is white. They gain a rusty color through dirt baths. The bearded vulture feasts on bones, by scavenging them and then flying up high into th sky, from there they dropp the bones and eat the shattered remains.
One of the best PvP pets in WoD so far in my opinion. Flying racial + avoidance + heal + solid H/P breed = one ridiculously hard to kill bird. The Teroclaw brings a surprising amount of control and power to any team and seems to work especially well with Wild Magic and Sunlight.
TALADOR - 70.77 31.93