Pterrordax Hatchling

Pterrordax Hatchling
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click and periodic)
Archaeology required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
Cataclysm expansion required.
3 allowed
Patch 4.1.0 | Posted: April 26, 2011
This companion is a rare tier Fossil archaeology item. It is created by discovering and "solving" 120 fossil fragments.
Once completed, an entry on the Pterrordax Hatchling can be found in players' archaeology tab: "It's an adorable green baby pterrordax! Luckily, at this size, her sonic screeches won't turn your eardrums to bloody pulps and while she'll TRY to eat your face, it just feels like friendly little lizard-bird-thing kisses. Awww!"
Level 0:

1-22 of 22
1-22 of 22

Useful in a pinch to increase DOTs, buff life, and get outa the way.
My "leveling team" for the aquatic/flying teams in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms has long been two Emerald Proto-whelps plus my trainee pet. I only recently leveled his pet and realized that he essentially has the same move set as the whelps, but his attacks are STRONG against aquatics instead of normal. So he finishes off the aquatics much more quickly, and can use Ancient Blessing to stay in the fight just like my whelps. Great time saver here.
3.25 battle rating? Shame!
this is one of my mvp's for pandaria tamers, and general levelling. everyone likes celestial drag, darkmoon zep, pinchy... Pterror is right up there with those. considering how easy it is to get, if this is your first 25, you won't be disappointed.
battle rating: 5
appearance rating... 3... 5 if it had a bone in its mouth
In case anyone as I was wondering; no, the pterrordax does not survive the appocalypse even if he has the ability himself
I didnt know this baby existed until I was looking on the AH one day. Did a search on how to get him and found out that I had to go ahead and level my 570 arch to 600 to change in for fossils. Thinking I was going to be on a mission for several weeks I was pleseantly suprised after doing 2 rounds of fossils my 3rd was this baby. I just complete the 120 artifacts to get him using the Pandarian artifact trade in process. EXTREMELY excited now for that crawling hand :)
With the new Pandaren turning 'common' relics into those crates you can trade for other crates (like for example fossils) it's way easier to get this guy. You can find the guy who trades them at the same place the loremasters are. Though you'll have to grind for a bit, seeing as each relic only rewards one crate, in wich are somewhere between 5 and 9 fragments. You need to have your archeology up to 600 to be able to trade in crates.
HP: 142
Pwr: 13
Spd: 12
Dwarf: 19
Fossil: 47
Night Elf: 118
Tol'vir: 32
Troll: 47
Total: 263
Below the 450 skill level, the rate is the same(27%)