Sandy Petrel

Ground (hovers)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

This fricking annoying pidgeon! I'm having trouble finding one I can battle, (get off the pillars!)and when I do they have all been poor. Killing them all to respawn. The upside is, everyone I have been able to engage has brought a rare friend! I've had 5 so far.
ETA: finally gave up and just grabbed one, I have better birds to use and this is just for ach. Geeesh!
got my rare on the second try, on the windward isle, the main bird was an uncommon, but it had called in a rare. good luck. coords, 65.29
There is a spot on Windward Isle where a number spawn in a tight area. I only found three which were a problem for uneven terrain etc and I would kill them and move on. I kept killing all critter and battle pets too which helped the respawn. The mobs in the area can be a pain if you are not high enough level. I think this is the best spot to farm them but patience is needed. Took me 50+ tries to get a rare [5], that is only from the ones with a Sandy Petrel as the primary.
Showed up as secondary pets when fighting Leopard Tree Frogs. Getting one at Windward Isle can be a nightmare with alot of them spawning on bad terrain.
Got a rare of the first try in the Jade Forest. Must be lucky as I've seen nothing but poor's and common's since.
Found a rare one while fighting a dragon hatchling at the Arboretum :)
Got this as an extra to a Masked Tanuki south of Nectarbreeze Orchard.
You can find these as primaries over on Windward Isle, on the eastern side of the main island.