Albatross Chick

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Found my rare right above Nor'danil Well spring in Azsuna. Was able to solo and capture it with Blood Boil (25). Used an Erudite Manafiend (24) and an Anodized Robo Cub (19) to take care of the add-ons. It had a Grizzly Squirrel and a Bandicoon for its add-ons.
Found mine at 44.16, 59.98 on top of a rock in Oceanus Cove Azsuna.
I noticed this pet didn't have a 'preference breed used' post yet - so I thought I'd jump on it. So far, I find my preference being the S/B, although the P/B closely rivals it. If you get the H/B or B/B - I would suggest trying again for one of the other breeds. Good luck with the hunt!
Just caught this at stormheim. 76.12 55.76 there is also one that spawns around the stone circle near the big cave (to the left of it) Caught at 4.40 server on Coilfang on the US servers. GL all.
Caught one today at 48,63 in Oceanus Cove. Watch out for the Elite Giants.
Found one flying 15 feet over my character's head in Azsuna @ 29, 35. It seems the pattern for these that they are located on the small islands along the shoreline.
located one in Azsuna 29.71 25.34 also at 30.25 27.04 (have to climb on the rocks to reach the albatross )
Found one in Azsuna, Oceanus Cove, at map coords 46, 63