Valley Chicken

Pecks at ground.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Battle For Azeroth
Patch 8.0.1 | Posted: August 13, 2018
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

This pet is underrated. Flock + a heal and 25% x2 damage buff in a single spell is pretty great. And it comes in S/S and P/P varieties.
Plus it's a chicken.
TBH this pet is pretty f***in strong. It can two shot aquatics real quick. Really useful for Leanah Darkwind.
It looks like there are (currently) three colours that are unique to this chicken: the white with spots, the 'dirty white' and the brown with grey tail.
If you try to collect all the pet colours, these are the ones to catch, since you can only collect three of the one pet.
(The grey and the red-brown colours may also be found on the Ancona and Szechuan Chickens, respectively.)
Twelve secret herbs and spices ^_^
I got brown/red type. P/P
Found inside chicken coop in brennadam
So I had a beautiful dark grey one of these, thinking "wow" thats a unique chicken! Instead of the bland white one
Then I discovered a beautiful mottled one!!
So purdy
Not just an added pet! Can also be found as a primary pet in Brennadam, next to the chicken coop behind the inn. Seems to spawn frequently as well :)