Plump Turkey

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Pecks at ground and leaps into nearby cooking fires.
Vocalizations (on-click)
"Senses its destiny" and throws itself at nearby campfires, fire braziers, and the Little Wickerman, resulting in death.
Burning Crusade expansion required.

Turkey Cage
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Right Click to summon and dismiss your Plump Turkey.
This pet is mailed to characters who've completed the Pilgrim meta achievement. Completing this achievement requires completing several other Pilgrim's Bounty achievements, some of which involve high level instances and PvP, during a very short span of time. For more information, take a look at Wowhead's Pilgrim's Bounty Guide.
The Plump Turkey's special animation is to jump into any nearby cooking fires to cook himself, as he "senses his destiny."

A good pet to use for capturing wild pets because of his Food Coma ability, which always hits. I'll hit a pet twice with it and then trap twice in a row. Even if it doesn't work, it at least sets up the trap for the next attempt.
I lucked into getting two rare ones and I use them when hunting for rares quite a lot.
Healthiest while still 289 power, at the cost of medium speed. This will only be a problem against other flying pets, and you also still got Gobble Strike to speed up. Turkeys needs the power to make some damage, since it's attacks are otherwise nothing special. It does well against Aquatics, but can be very useful as a control pet with Food Coma. I would suggest finding a P/S breed Highlands Turkey instead of this one. But if you need more health Plump Turkey is the way to go.
Does anyone know if this pet is still obtainable? I don't see the meta ach. in game.
The Armory API says that this pet is not Tradeable, but I've seen it on the Auction House many times, so it looks like the Armory data may be in error.
This little guy is one of my favorite pets to use. Not only is he super cute but whenever I'm having a little bit of trouble on a beast I just bring him out. His Food Coma move makes it easy to kill anything, especially the monkey at the Darkmoon fair.
My Plump Turkey is shown as a rare in my journal and armory, however the listed stats for it only match uncommon stats listed here, not the rare stats.
Update July 2010: It appears they have corrected the turkey and spring bunny making baby bunnies. My turkey was unlucky in bunny-love today.
/tar wild turkey
/run SetRaidTarget("target", 1)
When you click on the macro,it will target a turkey and place a raid icon on the turkey, which can be seen through tree's, buildings, etc. This gives you an easy way to find the next live turkey your after.My suggestion would be to kill a turkey, mount up and while you go through the animation click the macro
- Go to the field just under SM
- Bring Tracker Snacks (a must)
- Turn off herb/mine tracking if you have it
- Look for all yellow dots (the red dots are mobs, avoid them)
I got the achievement on my first try on my main, and 2nd try on my alt. Very easy to do with tracker snacks!
if u're near a spring rabbit - the 2 of them will fall in love
like spring rabbit with spring rabbit ... however - the love doesn't break of till the turkey will find his destiny :P
the heart breaks then by both of the pets (rabbit and turkey)
i have to correct my post
the love breaks off random ~ too