Highlands Turkey

Pecks at ground.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

I found this guy really useful to capture wild pets, especially water types. I totally recommend.
I have two rare Highlands Turkeys level 23 and 22 and an uncommon level 23. They make a battle team that can beat almost anything and take no damage at all for the whole fight lol. If you lead out with Food Coma, swap to turkey #2 use peck, then food coma, swap to turkey #3 peck then food coma...and keep repeating....works like a charm. I have beaten even some of the legendary pets in pandaria with this rotation and not taken a single hit.
A good pet to use for capturing wild pets because of his Food Coma ability, which always hits. I'll hit a pet twice with it and then trap twice in a row. Even if it doesn't work, it at least sets up the trap for the next attempt.
I lucked into getting two rare ones and I use them when hunting for rares quite a lot.
I found one as a secondary pet at Firebeard's Patrol in Twilight Highlands. Haven't found a rare one yet.
It's an annoying pet to capture if you're looking for a rare. Most of the time they spawn as a non-battle pet, so you might have to keep flying around in circles killing the non-battle versions for a while! Good luck!
Lots of them as main pets at Vermillion Redoubt. Just kill critters and wait for respawn. Don't try to get them outside Vermillion Redoubt, you will go nuts.
Comes in a nice P/S breed. Very tactical pet with Food Coma. Since it is not a true stun most opponents actually won't switch. You need the extra power with a P-breed to actually do some damage since its basic attacks are pretty weak. Go with Gobble Strike so you can ensure to be faster when you want to use Food Coma.
I got super lucky and on my first Highlands Turkey in TH by Vermillion Redoubt I caught my rare turkey!
Edit: I was looking for a rare highlands mouse, and had read that they are connected to yellow bellied marmots and rattlesnakes.. I battled a yellow bellied marmot and connected to it was another rare turkey... only my third pet battle in TH!
I'd been searching and searching for a turkey better than the common one I had. I had friends from other servers invite. Then ultimately decided to try again on my own server. Then there she was....a rare. I fought her, I killed her! for some reason I used a three round ability on her!!! I wasn't even thinking! Lets just say, I'm very sad! :(
edit: with much determination, I got a rare tonight based off the advise from the previous poster! thanks!
I found an uncommon one after an hour or so, what I find hilarious is him throwing gravy, so I renamed him Leftovers.
at monienijntje, you've been lucky then. I've got all the other rares, including the fiendling and I've yet to see a rare highlands turkey
The quote is wrong, they cannot fly.
You can find quite a few of these around Vermillion Redoubt
I cannot second that notion
Really easy to find, you get one in pretty much every battle you start in Twilight Highlands, usually a rare one too.