Tiny Flamefly

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Flutters about and grooms face; generates glowing clouds and particles.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
To begin the quest chain that will ultimately reward players with this pet, players must start in Western Burning Steppes at Flamestar Post. After completing all the quests offered there, players will be sent to the next quest hub in the zone, Chiselgrip. Finally, once all quests from and associated with Chiselgrip have been completed, players will travel to their faction's main area within Burning Steppes (Morgan's Vigil for Alliance and Flame Crest for Horde) where they will complete the final quest to receive the companion.
Note: Because one of the Horde NPCs in the Flamefly quest chain, Kibler, is part of the Booty Bay faction, Horde players that are hated with this faction will need to raise their reputation with Booty Bay to complete the second to last quest in the Flamefly chain.

A little background for those of you chasing this pet. The quest chain actually starts in Flamestar Post from Ariok 17.42 51.80 ( Horde ). Do all his quests from here. Eventually (about 9 quests ) you will get sent to Chiselgrip where you hand in ,at last Etrigg will appear 44.61 44.58 .Then another series of quests opens from Stebben Oreknuckle ( about 8) before you get sent back to Etrigg. Then off to Flamecrest to Kibler for 1 quest & the pet.
Very nice flyer, especially against mechanicals. Even with a lowish 260 power the Burn ability will hit for 500 health against mechs, couple that with Immolation and Swarm and mechanicals go down fast. Excellent against Decoy pets, Immolation and then Swarm burns through the Decoy and doubles the Immolation damage. With 292 speed it will still often be faster even after losing the racial bonus. Pretty decent pet, not really at Crow/Raven power levels though. Try combining it with Black Claw.
This guy to my boyfriend and I hours to get. I spent at least two hours trying to figure out where the series starts. FLAMESTAR POST that's where it started for us with John J. Keeshan. But yeah, pretty on par with everyone else it took us a little over an hour to complete the quest line which was truely one of the most ridiculous lines of quests I've ever done.
toastcat on wow head (for the horde side) has awesome quest chain links (under comments) its longer quest chain took me about an 1hr on a 70toon
The Alliance Quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=28415
The Horde Quest: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=28491
The link takes you to the final quest, but if you look to the right under "series" you will see the quests that lead to this one in order.
If you haven't done any of the quests since they re-vamped the zone, you will want to start by speaking with 'John J Keeshan' at Flamestar Post.
Happy Hunting!
But as everyone has said, these are some pretty fun quests. And the quest dialogue made me laugh out loud a few times.
Its a great little pet and it matches my firefly! :D
Thanks for the update. It seems more clear now, to me anyways. :D