Direbeak Hatchling

Idles about. Occasionally says "Erk" or "Baroo" while running in circles around the player.
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
Gives quests as part of a lengthy quest chain. Brief heart animation over the Direbeak Hatchling's head when the player summons the Brilliant Direbeak mount.
1 allowed
Patch 7.1.0 | Posted: October 25, 2016
This pet is one of four falcosaur hatchlings.
The Direbeak Hatchling can only be obtained when the Broken Isles World Quest "Direbeak Swarm!" is active on the coast in Stormheim. If the World Quest for this specific falcosaur species is not active or is about to time-out, the NPCs necessary will not be visible.
The Matriarch of the species will spawn during the active World Quest. Defeating her will allow you to see an Orphaned Direbeak in the questing area.
Interacting with this NPC will not yield any results unless you have the hatchling's favorite type of food. The pet's journal description hints at what type of consumable it prefers. This particular falcosaur enjoys Pungent Vrykul Gamalost.
After purchasing the food from a Broken Isles vendor, interacting with the orphaned hatchling will reveal a new dialogue option. Clicking this will add the pet directly to your Pet Journal.
Once added to your collection, this hatchling will have a lengthy quest chain for you. More information can be found on our Patch 7.1 PTR - Falcosaur Hatchling Preview!
- Bloodgazer Hatchling
- Direbeak Hatchling
- Sharptalon Hatchling
- Snowfeather Hatchling
The Direbeak Hatchling can only be obtained when the Broken Isles World Quest "Direbeak Swarm!" is active on the coast in Stormheim. If the World Quest for this specific falcosaur species is not active or is about to time-out, the NPCs necessary will not be visible.
The Matriarch of the species will spawn during the active World Quest. Defeating her will allow you to see an Orphaned Direbeak in the questing area.
Interacting with this NPC will not yield any results unless you have the hatchling's favorite type of food. The pet's journal description hints at what type of consumable it prefers. This particular falcosaur enjoys Pungent Vrykul Gamalost.
After purchasing the food from a Broken Isles vendor, interacting with the orphaned hatchling will reveal a new dialogue option. Clicking this will add the pet directly to your Pet Journal.
Once added to your collection, this hatchling will have a lengthy quest chain for you. More information can be found on our Patch 7.1 PTR - Falcosaur Hatchling Preview!
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

This creature seems to be partially inspired by the hoatzin with its colour scheme. Hoatzins as chicks have claws on their wings like dinosaurs to help them traverse the mangroves if they fall out of their nest but lose them as they get older. They also smell very bad and are called stink birds.
Warning squawk will cause weather effects like the talent Scorched Earth to crit YOUR team as well.
However... the possitive side of this talent is that it is a teamwide effect, meaning anything you have in play is boosted with 75% crit chance.
I had to kill the Matriarch 5 times before it spawned. It is still spawning in the same place 79.7 -- 69.6. I was beginning to wonder if it was spawning somewhere else!
summoning this pet might give you many quests...
Just got him. Didn't spawn the first time. I logged out and back in and killed a second Matriarch. When I got to the spawn site, I didn't see him till I jumped down on the rock.
I can't seem to get this little guy to spawn! I keep killing the matriarch over and over and going to the spawn location and nothing! Is this bugged?
This guy is an awesome battler. The Ironskin skill makes him tanky, the flying passive makes sure you go first most of the time, and he can hit really hard with the Falcosaur Swarm! > Predatory Strike combo. He has single handedly solo'd many wild pet battles.
Just be mindful of pets with magic attacks.
Ironskin is glitched atm.....seems when its used it blocks the next 2 full attacks
Loot the dead matriarch first. Then run to the spawn point.
I really like these 4 hatchlings, and there unique quest chains
I'll confirm that the Direbeak Hatchling can found at 79.8, 69.4 in Stormheim but you need to run up the hill first and fall down ontop of him after you kill the Matriarch, and you need to carry
Pungent Vrykul Gamalost
One trick that I did after starting the quest chain on my level 110 was to finishing leveling the pet to 25 on an alt char that wasn't max level yet for the free exp.
As another poster said I found him at 79.8, 69.4 just East of Gull Rock.
You have to run up the path and jump down onto the rock. There is another nest/gathering of Direbeak mobs a bit more to the East as well.
For some reason mine kept phasing in and out. Could be because I was leaving the area and coming back. Beast tracking helps.
I did this on my main and an Alt and its not spawning correctly. Killed the matriarch two dozen or more times and nothing is poping on the rock. It has to be the right place though since everyone keeps coming here to look for it.
I found him at 79.8 69.6. After you kill the matriarch, turn around and run back up the hill. You have to jump down on some rocks that are above the beach but below where the area where most of them spawn.