Coastal Sandpiper

Idles about and occasionally preens itself.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
Level 0:

1-11 of 11
1-11 of 11

I'd have to the coast and islands near Jandvik in Suramar are the best place to hunt these. they seem to always spawn BP versions of Sandpipers....that being said, be prepared to look for a while if you want a rare of this. been here for hours and killed about 70 of them so far. no rare yet.
I cannot be 100% sure on this but what I have seen today when I was looking for this little cutie is that it is not out during the day in El'Dranil Shallows. I spent 2 hours there today and did not find a single one. But around 9:30pm EST i found 4 close to eachother. Again I am unsure if that might be a night time tame but it is a possibility :)
What a pita to find these (as pets - they seem to usually spawn as non-pets). I accidently had some great luck finding my rares as secondaries to Thornclaw Broodlings in Suramar. The Broodlings only spawn in a small(ish) area and the Sandpipers are pretty reliable as secondaries. If you get frustrated elsewhere, give this a try.
Finally caught a rare today. I found it in Azsuna, right above the final 'a' in Narthalas. It had a poor lvl Bandicoon and a poor level Kelp Scuttler for its backup. I was able to take it down with a lvl 25 Nordrassil Wisp, a lvl 17 Nether Faerie Dragon, and a lvl 23 Thornclaw Broodling on my team. The Nether Faerie did most of the work during the fight.
Note: Avoid using a pet with the swarm/flock/etc. ability. The Coastal Sandpiper can have Sandstorm and it will make it difficult to capture.
I caught a rare at 57,35 in Azsuna (El'dranil Shallows).
They can be found as the main pet in Azsuna, in the ruins at 52, 42, along the coast.
Found it as a primary in El'dranil Shallows (a little SE from the Crumbled Palace). There were a couple runnign around 50.03, 41.44.
Also found some at 57.84, 40.80.
EDIT: Sometimes they show up as non-battle pets. Just kill them, eventually, one that is abattle pet will spawn. There were 2 in this location again today.
EDIT: Found more in Surmar 73.16, 62.06 along the beach.
Me too! It was only grey though :( It's super cute!
Hey, WCP, this is not only a secondary pet, I forget where exactly in aszuna, but there were several of these as the primary. It was in a cove.
What a gorgeous, gentle looking pet!
Sandstorm will negate your second slot abilities for this pet. Quicksand has less of a CD and more damage so I see ppl going that way more often if this pet is used.