Ohuna Companion

Ohuna Companion
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about. Occasionally sits down and sleeps.
1 allowed
Patch 10.0.0 | Posted: November 28, 2022
The first three spoils (epic/purple quality, rare/blue quality, and uncommon/green quality) earned each week from Centaur Grand Hunt Events on the Dragon Isles has a chance to drop this pet.
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

Please tell me this isn't going to be the next Wonderous Wisdom Ball... No doubt a higher drop rate than the WWB, but still a difficult pet to acquire.
One below...I am also having a difficult time getting the pet drops from the "Grand Hunt Spoils"...I suspected a bug and put in a ticket but was assured by a Game Master that the pet drops are totally random...very disconcerting since my wife got both pets after her very first hunts on our other account.
I seem to be exceptionally unlucky with this pet.....I have been doing the Grand Hunt on 3 characters every week since expansion launch and STILL have not received it. I know it is confirmed to be from the spoils bags but sheesh................................................. feels like I am doing something wrong.
I just got this pet from a green bag from the end of the hunt.
You can get these companion pets on your alts even after you do three hunts on your main. It's the first three bags (purple blue green) on each toon.
I received this pet from the second hunt (blue bag) on my level 69 druid alt with 1 renown with the Maruuk centaur, after I received the Bakar companion from the first hunt (purple bag)
For me it dropped out of Grand Hunt Spoils, I saved a screenshot to remember how to obtain this pet.
I got mine today. just happened to drop into the final boss of the Grand Hunt in Thaldraszus. The boss was Diluu at 50.90, 47.20. Not sure if it is a Grand Hunt drop or not.