Imperial Eagle Chick

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

Seems to be the only pet with this moveset that comes in a P/P breed.Â
If you havent noticed, its a huge void in the top battle-pet list with any flying pets. Why? Thats a good question, but still extremely needed for maybe 60% of all fights and tamers especially. This is THE hardest hitting flyer out there so far.
Its incredibly annoying to tame, as they are either flying or sitting on stuff which blocks the pet arena. However, if you find a P/P Breed, then tame it first chance you get. Worth a stone if youre not extremely lucky and getting a rare P/P.
Best battle pet. Why? Cuz 'MERICA, that's why.
P/P is my best flying pet for taking out aquatics. Quite a wonderful pet.Â
Found a rare northeast of Conquest Hold, along the river bank.Â
Finely got a Blue rare after a 2 day search at 45, 52
A hard hitter I often run with. One of the few 341 power birds, but has lots of other breed options(325 speed for example). It eats 357 speed rabbits for dinner with Thrash. Im not a big fan of Slicing Winds since it's a 1-3 hit move, just a bit too random. Excellent moveset with mutliattack, cyclone and Lift-Off to avoid big incoming hits(or make a big hit yourself).
Blow away the ones flying too high to engage to encourage them re-spawn.
just got my rare on third battle, first two were poor. Got him at Ashwood Post. Used him right away because of previous posts that he's really good and got a rare Grizzly Squirrel!
Found one near Grizzlemaw and to my suprise, was a rare! Â :D Â After I caught him, I named him "Murica." Â XD
I have been using a Dragonbone Hatchling (4,14) which is awesome in battle because it was easy to get a rare for me (basically same abilities). I only have a poor quality Eagle Chick (4,14) but when I look at the stats if I stone it, they will actually be better so I need to go back and try to get a rare Eagle Chick.
p.s. Also consider the Jade Owl (Magic) JC pet comes as uncommon but same ability set.
I have a flying stone that I want to use and level it to 25.
Would a B/B H 1400 P 292 live longer to take out an opponent?
Or should I go for a P/P H1319 P 341 and take it out faster?
Could someone who uses this for PVE answer this plz?
Love it.
It can beat some of the new legendray pets in a one on one battle.
A must one, easy to collect.
This bird is really strong, I used a rare one while defeating Grand Master Aki. If you look for a strong bird I really recommend this one.
Does anyone use this pet in battle? How do you like him?
Just got my rare at east side of Drak Tharon Keep. On my server these birds are as sparse as hens teeth. Not until today have I even seen a rare. Found one, and accidently killed it. I thought I was going to cry. Three weeks I have been looking for this elusive bird. Then blessings upon me when I decided to use the /target Imperial Eagle Chick macro. Then bang! Not five minutes after the death of the first rare, I bagged another. Lucky!!
Could find hardly any of them and the ones I found were high up in the air flying or perched high in a tree. Using my monk, I had to dismount in the air, taunt, hit the ground, lose 75% of my health, then wait for the bird who is now chasing me to leave combat. Have to be quick right clicking it before it gets out of range.
You can find these little guys randomly throughout the zone. They normally team up with two other critters. Watch out for their cyclone-like ability that can hurt all of your team if your trying to level up low level pets.
have been flying around the zone for the better part of 2 days and can not find a single rare, and they don't seem to have a quick respawn rate.
I found a ton of these to the south and southeast of Grizzlemaw. Found them all the way to Camp Oneqwah. Was able to snag a rare and uncommon