
Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Idles about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
To obtain this pet, players must first pick up the quest Ikky's Egg and complete the short quest chain that follows. Upon returning to the quest hub, Veil Terokk, players can complete the quest that will automatically teach the pet.
Level 0:

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1-14 of 14

Very useful for PVE but not a good choice for PVP. All someone has to do is swap as you start to flock, and you're locked into using it for three rounds of mediocre damage. Most likely Ikky will be dead by the time flock is done.
Not sure why this did not make top 20 pets.
If you haven't noticed, nearly ever Master/Fable Pet on Mechagon Island, as well as surrounding areas, requires the 1-2 punch of Unborn Val + Ikky to both de-buff and deal Curse of Doom a few rounds later on the enemy pet. Most world challenge solutions are also:
1) Unborn Val -> Curse of Doom, Unholy Ascension
2) Ikky -> Black Claw, Flock
3) Any pet strong against enemy pet type
Black Claw + Flock does 563 damage in two turns; and supposedly 1126 damage in turn 3 alone thanks to Shattered Defenses. In PVE this pet is a powerhouse. Need to kill something asap? Unless it is a dragon pet, use Ikky (or Iron Starlette).
This guy is really underrated in PVE. His big combo is Black Claw + Flock, which deals an insane amount of damage. I actually won the Celestial Tournament with him because of it, even though he was only Uncommon quality. He completely wrecked Zao!
This is really great PvP bird but health pool is bit of an issue....Its Lil's ragnaros nightmare and i loove it : Black clow-> Flock and speed of this bird is crazy!!
Ikky is great!
What are the most occurring types of Beasts of Fable? Aquatic and Beast.
And what's a specific trait of all of them? The 50% reduced damage taken.
Given that, our feathered friend is a must-have while doing these Pandaria dailies. Mentioned Black Claw + Flock combo is still devastating because Shattered Defenses debuff isn't affected by opponents' elite status.
An ability to solo Dos-ryga or duo Gorespine and Skitterer Xi'a can save you from many negative emotions!
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I see the egg (Kaliri's Egg) and there's no quest. No Exclamation point. No question mark. No joy. If I can figure out why this is the way it is, I'll let you all know how stupid I am.
After a bit of research I found out I have to have a tavern in my garrison before I can see this quest. *facepalm*
I'm finding Ikky to be an incredibly strong PvP pet due to its pretty fantastic moveset, breed and family. The Flying racial allows it to make the most of its 322 Power Quills and even when it's gone, 273 Speed still beats a number of the slower pets in the meta. Black Claw provides a pretty fantastic damage boost in combination with Quills and the 3rd slot really comes down to your team composition. You can run a pretty effective Clonedance with Cyclone or go Flock for Lightning/Wild Magic.
I'm really looking forward to Ikky on my PvP teams! He will do a lot of damage, and should be a blast using moves like Black Claw with Flock.
And being in the flying family, he will go first to upset the moves to burn targets down.
When you get to this area - he is just sitting there with a question mark. Click on it and it says you found a new friend. It gets added to your journal. It can be put in a cage and I see them on the AH for around 500 gold. Not sure what the price will be eventually - most likely cheap since everyone can get one easy.
This reminded me of the white tickbird hatchling quest in Terokkar Forest. Very easy to get this little guy :D
Using him as a vanity pet, I love this little guy. Ever since I saw Reshad's Percy companion, I've wanted an adorable little Kaliri of my own.