Fledgling Oliveback

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
This wild pet can only be found on a high mountain in the Rhut'van Divide in Azsuna. The path players can take up to this area starts in Nor'Danil Welspring.
The Fledgling Oliveback shares spawn points with the Fledgling Kingfeather, and has a much higher spawn chance.
The Fledgling Oliveback shares spawn points with the Fledgling Kingfeather, and has a much higher spawn chance.

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got one on top of cliff 42,21 blue, spawened straight after a green fledgling kingfeather then straight after that a oliveback green spawned so i killed it and straight after a new oliveback spawned it was green so then i jumped off the cliff for lolz :P
You don't need to use a Terrible Turnip for this pet OR the Fledgling Kingfeather in order not to kill it accidentally. Just use a Nordrassil Wisp w/Soul Ward, Flash, and Beam. Gets 'em every time!
I just got one of these exactly where the other comments said they would be. Mine was an uncommon but these are so hard to find even though they spawn more frequently than the Kingfeather I decided not to farm for more. There were quite a few non-battle critter versions which I had to cull in order for it to spawn a Kingfeather not to mention the rest of the critters on the mountain top
Just got the fledgling oliveback and boy o boy are they tough to reach. off to get the stormstruck beaver now and that will end this hunt and I get the rescued fawn
Nor'danil Wellspring area, at the split road before you get to the fountain area where all the ghosts are go right on the road. This road takes you way up the mountain. Follow broken columns as you go up. the higher you go you will see several spawn. They will seem almost out of reach but find safe spots under & try. Make sure you take a Terrible Turnip & utilize "Weakening Blow". These birds spawn poor to uncommon & just about anything can kill them in 2 to 3 blows.
So...I play on Thorium Brotherhood. Last evening, as I ran up the path on the mountain (starts at 39, 32 near a broken column as somebody else mentioned), I came across quite a few of these. The higher I went, the better quality they became. I collected a poor, common, and uncommon in that order (ditching the lower quality ones as I went). There were a bunch more this morning when I was looking for the Kingfeather spawn but never found a rare Oliveback or Kingfeather spawn.
There is a path up the mountain at 39,32 in the Nor'Danil Wellspring. Look for a broken column.
It would be helpful if someone could tell how you get to the spawn spots. For a hunter, I'm not a good pathfinder. :)
These are not a terribly populous spawn. I had to keep running around to find one in the air. Despite that, I caught three so far: P/P, P/S and B/B. They seem to fly nearly out of range to where you have to stand on outcrops or cliff-edges to engage them. Sometimes they do set down, though.