Fledgling Kingfeather

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
This wild pet can only be found on a high mountain in the Rhut'van Divide in Azsuna. The path players can take up to this area starts in Nor'Danil Welspring.
The Fledgling Kingfeather shares spawn points with the Fledgling Oliveback, but is rarer and has a much lower spawn chance.
The Fledgling Kingfeather shares spawn points with the Fledgling Oliveback, but is rarer and has a much lower spawn chance.

got one @ 42,21 it was a grey and straight after a BLUE yes! BLUE! fledgling oliveback spawned, then a green kingfeather so they seem to spawn one after the other straight away here :)
This pet was not spawned and I had to cull all of the pets at the top of the mountain to get it to spawn. Battle pets and regular critters alike and not even a couple minutes later 1 spawned at the very top on the north face. As soon as I hovered my mouse on it the pet landed and let me catch it.
Can't believe it Got a Green and then a Blue!!!! What a deal! So exited Half hour total. Thank God it wasn't like that darn rainstorm or sandstorm. Happy Happy Joy Joy. 41.45:22.87 3-1-17 2:25Eastern Standard
No need to run up and down the mountain. Blizz might have made them more available. Anyway. I parked myself down the backside of the mountain where the stream is and battled both pets to my content. Rock area 44.20 and then the sharply jutting rock across the stream. Then you can head up to the temple and battle a spawn up there occasionally.
Keep killing the fledgling critters.
FINALLY... after many visits to the top of the mountain got one! The path that goes up to this area is at 39.1 32.9. Or those without coords.. go to Illadari Stand and head northwest until you start being smacked by banshees. Go up the path there and just keep going up! Battle/kill everything that moves... I only battled/killed the initial pet and then forfeited just to save time and used bandages. Took about 30 or so battles and one finally spawned off a rock ledge... So happy!! gl all! :D
These seem to be alot more common now, as do the stormstruck beavers.
Probably changed with the Flacosaurs as there is a quest to capture/kill 3 of them...
Killed off 4 of them for the PP breed in 1½h this morning. Use the 6 spawn locations on the pathway+around the temple area but don't jump down northside cliff although there are more spawns there. Its not feasible. Kill off Oliveback critters+battlepets to force Kingfeather spawns instead. Realmhop at either end of the route and reverse the route. You either force a spawn on own realm, another realm or jump onto a realm with one active already.
Just got mine. Batteled an olive beak, batteled some other pets looking for it as a secondary, then found one where the olivebeak I fought was.
I have farmed this area for 3-4 hours and have seen only 1 of these. I had killed every pet up and down the mountain many times, including the the olivetail fledglings. I unfortunately killed it by accident, and have yet to see another. So it may take quite abit of time for some folks.
I found spawns at 44,23; 43, 19; 41,23; 42, 25; 38, 24; and 29, 19. The are all on top of rocky prominences or at the cliff edge. Never saw one as a second to a Hare or Squirrel, or in place of where a Hare or Squirrel spawns. Spent ~ 2 hours fighting Hares to capture a rare (found one!), defeating the Olivebacks, killing the Fledgling critters, and mining.
Capture would have gone faster if I had just stuck to the Fledglings, and made sure to kill of the placeholder Fledgling critters.
After spending a few hours between a handful of visits I tried different methods (Killing Olivebacks, battleing pets etc). Eventually I realm-hopped (helpful to have the addon) and found mine at [38.37,24.27] just sitting there hanging out. Uncommon P/P but that's what stones are for. Good luck all! :)
This site seems to be wrong, I ran up and down the cliff area killing the Fledgling Olivebacks both critter and pet battle versions and two Fledgling Kingfeathers spawned with in 30 minutes of doing this. The critter Version of the Pet Battle one in both cases spawned for me spawned just before the Pet Battle one did in that location.
Realm hopped and found one up at 44.71, 19.96, was not a rare but didnt care! P/S breed
ty Suecherself for the cords up 45.22 17.03
Such a pain to get this guy! Several days of camping and killing and he finally spawned.
I got up early on a Sunday morning and killed about 4, 5 Olivebacks before this guy spawned. Right by the tree next to the stone circle that shammy's do a quest on.
Just as someone else said...Pet battle the oliveback bird @ 43.0, 19.0 flying just above the rocky area in Aszuna. Wait 5 minutes and the Kingfeather will spawn.
Got this one today, it was flying along the cliffs. Just wanted to say that the info on the map that says it only occurs as a secondary is incorrect. Mine was not a secondary.
There is a path up the mountain at 39,32 in the Nor'Danil Wellspring. Look for a broken column.
There's probably another route to the top, but I generally start up at 45.22/17.03, just above the pond in the Azurewing Whelplands.
Sorry if a stupid question how do you get up to the mountain top, i cant seem to find a good path?