Dragonbone Hatchling

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can commonly be found perched on the skeletal remains of dragons alongside Dragonbone Condors.

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I had very bad luck on this pet. For me, it took alot of trys to get a good P/P.
I finally got one, and now I am Done! :)
Underrated and beautiful pet, far better than its sub 3 battle avg suggests. Worth noting that these beauties spawn (rapidly) in one of the best Leveling Areas in the game so, really no need to farm for a P/P rare. Simply fly East directly away to the bone pile nearest to the Stable Master (Wyrmrest Temple) with your Nex Whelp (or similar) and carry pet (above Lv 5 due to Cyclone). Fights take almost no time & you'll score all the rares of this pet & likely an S/S Alpine Hare as well.
Just got a rare P/P to drop after the 6th fight down at 55.1, 40.9 in Dragonblight. Level 21 1260/273/205 (@25 1481/325/244). This thing will be a monster against aquatics!
Can't go wrong with dragon in the name!! Pow pow!!
Just realized how strong this pet is against flying pets. Wow. A great pet to use in the celestial tournament as well.
It took me around 15 to finally get a rare a few days ago. Today flew by, decided to attack 1, seriously, just 1 just cause and it was a rare!! Annoys me some haha. I have a P/P and a H/P Idk which I will keep and level to 25. GL.
It took me over 50 fights to actually find a Rare. Heck, it took over 20 to even see an Uncommon. Thankful that is over, LOL.
Found rare at 60/63 - first one fought. They go down pretty fast, and come in clusters of 4-6.
Rare B/B (Dragonblight 64.6, 52.9. Server - Draenor EU, 16.24 CET) finally dropped after more than two hours of battles. Other posters seem to have had better luck than me finding rare spawns or having rares added on as extra combatants. Have yet to see a rare Tundra Penguin added on in any breed, which is unfortunate because I understand this is the best place to find them. High spawn rate plus nearby stable master at Temple makes this a nice place to level pets too.
This was pretty easy to aquire on my server... lots of them around. Just picked a spot near Wyrmrest Temple, there were several hatchlings, and even when I killed a few the re-spawns were fast. Took me about 5-6 tries to get one... also note, got upgrades on Tundra Penguin (Rare) and Shore Crab (Rare) as seconds before I got my rare Dragonbone Hatchling. 10-15 minutes of work, total.
Semi-easy find. There are loads of packs flying around, you just have to go through them and you'll come across a rare. It might still take a while though. Fun fact: the rare I found got me to level 90 haha.
My first attempt and I got a rare! Well I like to have atleast to of each pets, so I tried 2 more times, and a common and poor came up. I flied to another location near wyrmrest temple, and found another rare. That was simple just great :D
What a great night! My first attempt was a rare, but unfortunately I killed it trying out my brand new rare oily slimeling :( Retried 4 times and got a rare again. I did not mess up and kill this one thank goodness. 11:59pm server time on Misha. I was at the bones facing the entrance to Wyrmrest Temple slightly southwest. Hope yall have as much luck as I did!
I only saw uncommons and common in 20 min of farming. They have a fast respawn timer and hover around in big packs around the bone graves near wyrmrest temple. Most of the seconadry pets are rabbits and tundra penguins.
just got my rare on the 5th go, hp of 1338, for lvl 21. looks like they are getting better. very easy to find, just north of wurmrest temp all around the dragon bones. might want to kill a few of the big birds, one knocked me out of a fight.
happy hunting
I get my rare thanks to the Cadred's post. Thank you for the info.
These spawn in groups and in good quantity. I was able to farm one location for hours straight without any downtime. Rare spawns are roughly 1/30 from my exp. and Arctic Hare can spawn as secondary pet. These tend to be the fastest way to find an Arctic Hare due to the fact they are so spread out.
Found a rare one at 11:33 AM server time. It had 1095 health and was lvl 22. I think it's rather low health but go figure. I found it near the dragon skeletons close to wyrmrest temple. It's so cute and that's all I need haha :D
- Seph
I have been killing these birds for hours and no rares. Blizz seems to be confused about this pet as shown below:
level 22 1142 hp white
1018; 1073; 1117; 1238 hp green
1155 hp Rare.
Can be found where the adults are, generally around carcasses and bones. They usually are in high density (about 6 to a carcass), so they make great areas to level a team in quickly.