Hog-Nosed Bat

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Wing flutter (constsant)
3 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
Despite its similarities to the Echo Batling, the Hog-Nosed Bat does not spawn inside caves or caverns. Instead, it can be found outdoors, in The Haglands of Highmountain.

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

I caught mine at 50.44 32.10 in the Hanglands, highmountain. Just did what other people suggested.. killing all non capturable hog-nosed bats I saw, killing all other capturable pets I saw and also killing all other non capturable pets I saw floating around. It spawned within maybe 5-10 minutes. Needed this for my bat collection!
caught mine at 52.78, 34.23 after killing all the other pets in the area. The spawn on this guy is pretty sparse, but I found clearing out everything else helped :)
They seem to share a spawn with the chipmunks and rabbits as well. I have never seen them as secondary pets. I just ran around and checked pets and killed chipmunks and rabbits. Took about 20 mins and hog noses started showing up.
I just found three of them right by Lasan Skyhorn and Aviash in The Haglands. Good luck!
found mine at the start of the path up the mountain
I found this as a primary pet in the Haglands. Wasn't any up when I got there so I started clearing the pet battles that were up, showed in about 30-45 minutes.
This is the last pet I need for the Broken Isles Safari acheive, no luck so far!
I have had a toon in Haglands for 2 days killing all hog nosed bats but none have ever appeared with a paw. Can these be a secondary pet, I see many rabbits and chipmonks I could battle in the area?
These definitely are not a time based pet; meaning they spawn during the day and evening. I didn't see any spawn so I ran around killing the non-pet versions and within 5 minutes I had a spawn appear. If you're struggling with finding one, give that method a shot!
Found mine in Highmoutian at 49.33,35.97 (top of a mountian). It was the first pet in battle and a RARE!!!
Got mine at 7AM server time, did not see any in the day time so it could be a night time spawn.
There did not seems to be many up at once and the respawn appear to be quite slow or limited.
Confirmed - It's not only a secondary pet found several flying around the top of the mount area in the Harpy section.
Currently the Wowhead-supplied location map is wrong about this only being a secondary pet. Lots of them flying around the Haglands in Highmountain.