Dusky Dredwing Pup

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about. Occasionally screeches and does a small barrel roll.
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

P/P - yes, please! S/S - also, yes. H/S - yes, I think so. P/S - hmm, Idk. S/B - no, not really. Murder and Wind Buffet do not mix. But, any of the first slot, plus Huge Fang paired with Wind Buffet can do well. Murder plus the DoT is average. I think this pet is most suited with the P/P (perhaps P/S or H/S).
If you go and do the race day in the ramparts 38.86 52.52 there is a staircase right below crunchfoot the clumsy. a pack of dusky dredwing pups fly around there. just stand at top of stairs just below Clumsy feet and they do a quick stop for you to grab one
they will patrol at a easy to battle location 59.33 68.65. The bad part slow to respawn.
There's a small pack of these flying around near the Charred Ramparts flight path. I was able to grab one as they flew overhead while standing at the rock pile on the flight path platform at 38, 49.
Found Dusky Dredwing Pup as a secondary pet in The Banewood at /way 52, 72