Crimson Dredwing Pup

Crimson Dredwing Pup
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about. Occasionally screeches and does a small barrel roll.
Vocalizations (periodic and on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
This pet has a chance to drop off of bats in Revendreth.
Level 0:

1-8 of 8
1-8 of 8

got it from a chest in Revendreth as an L60 Night Fae BM Hunter
about 200 kills /way 52.12 75.29 is the place to hunt
It's definitely not a Venthyr-only drop. I got one on an alt that is in the Necrolord covenant.
I got this pet while killing random mobs on my way to get the world boss. Didn't even know it was rare til I looked it up. Guess I need to find some more red transmog to go with him!
Is this a venther only pet? I am at just under 2k attempts. 1 purple lots of greens no pet
I finally got this to drop after 1862 kills of Starving Dredbats around Grove of Terror. I am Night Fae, there should be no covenant requirement to see it drop.
This pet appears to be a drop from the Starving Dredbats (and a couple other bat species) in Revendreth. They are non-elite mobs and I found quite a few around Waynecrypt Hill.
Wowhead have reported 13 drops on 5 different mobs.
Either this pet is bugged to Hell and back, or it's meant to be a secret pet, that haven't been discovered the proper way yet.