Horde Balloon

Horde Balloon
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Limited to horde characters.
3 allowed
Patch 4.2.0 | Posted: June 28, 2011
The NPC named Jaga that offers this quest can be found near the lake in the Valley of Wisdom in Orgrimmar. Because this is a faction specific quest, only Horde may pick it up and receive a Horde Balloon.
The alliance version of this companion is the Alliance Balloon.
When mounted, the balloon pet will disappear.

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

Question: the entry says the base quality is Rare, but mine is Uncommon and cannot be stoned blue. Is this a mistake in the Warcraftpets database? Does this pet count against me in my "Rare Pet Score"?
Just leveling him with the stones, sadly the armory doesn't show it. :D
One thing to note, which seems kind like a no duh but I didn't even consider, is if you did the alliance balloon on a character and then do a faction change you don't get the horde balloon and you cannot do the horde quest on that character.
I was able to get the quest for this pet at level 10.
If you link this pet in chat, it show it as having battle pet stats... not sure if it's a bug or an odd sign of things to come?
Posting Date: 9/30/2012
I don't have the MoP expansion yet but i can still use some of the features that come with it like the account bound pets.
I have Alliance toons on one server and Horde toons on another and I found out by happy accident that any pet my Horde toon gets on their server my Alliance toon can get credit for on the other server and vice-versa.
No "Death-Flopping" into opposing capitol cities to get the pets I want... YaY!!!!!
(Note: this post is accurate as of 8/29/12, the day after the new patch was released.)
I mention this here under the Horde Balloon entry because I assume this is the same for Alliance attempting to infiltrate Orgrimmar. Don't want anyone to corpse flop their way to the vendor only to find out they aren't visible!