Darkmoon Balloon

Darkmoon Balloon
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
3 allowed
Patch 4.3.0 | Posted: November 29, 2011
As of Patch 4.3, the Darkmoon Faire has moved to its very own zone. Tickets earned prior to the patch are unusable.
The new Darkmoon Prize Tickets are obtainable through Darkmoon Faire profession-based quests, dailies, and turning in Darkmoon Faire Artifacts. Check out our Community Guide: Darkmoon Prize Tickets for more information.

1-14 of 14
1-14 of 14

Still drops from game prizes! I've opened a lottt of game prizes so I'm not sure what the odds are, but it's still possible.
Yay, an alt just got this in a game prize! So glad I didn't already buy it :)
Just picked this up from a Darkmoon Game Prize :)
It doesn't even get added for me when I use the Import function.
For some reason, after using the new import function, this pet is considered grey quality in my collection? Bug?
This one does not count toward collector pet achievements. Even if you have more than one, none will be considered for the 25, 50 75, 150 250 or 400 pets achievements. However, will be registered on your pet journal as "collected", from where you can summon it anytime, but will not be included in your wow character profile, where simply does not exists. If you check your collected/not collected profile section, there's no entry for this one, so technically speaking, does not exists, at least, not for the records.
Same issue: does not add this pet thru armory import.