Alliance Balloon

Alliance Balloon
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Limited to alliance characters.
3 allowed
Patch 4.2.0 | Posted: June 28, 2011
The NPC named Vin that offers this quest can be found near the orphanage in Cathedral Square in Stormwind City. Because this is a faction specific quest, only Alliance may pick it up and receive an Alliance Balloon.
The horde version of this companion is the Horde Balloon.
When mounted, the balloon pet will disappear.

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1-13 of 13

Part of the information on this site is wrong. It doesnt dissapear while mounted.
It's a ballon it's one of life's little moments. You know the kind where you stop to smell the roses. Enjoy it.
Thought i would eave some useful info. The quest starts from Vin. She is found in Cathedral Square, behind the orphanage ( 58.79 52.87 ) Small child with a dog (Dotty) Found 3 balloon's on the stairs of Stormwind Keep. ( keep low level quests on to see it if your high lvl)
On cool thing about this pet is that priets can Mind Vision it so if you are doing an event or whatever and want a different angle for screenshots this works great.
I would like to be able to see this battle. It only needs one skill - Static Cling. Simple. Effective. Instant-Kill. Once a day. Win.
This pet (among other non-battle pets) is of uncommon quality. But it CAN be upgraded with a battle-stone, i did this accidently with this pet, and tried it later with other pets such as guild page etc. Should'nt it be possible to show the quality of non-battle pets on this site? It looks better with all pets in blue. :D
It's a balloon.
And it can't fight worth a damn.
(Note: this post is accurate as of 8/29/12, the day after the new patch was released.)
I assume this is the same for Alliance attempting to infiltrate Orgrimmar.
The balloons are located at ground level, and sparkle. You can be on a flying mount with them.
I found one in The Cathedral Square, one in the Damaged Harbor to the southwest of the Cathedral Square, and three others in the Dwarven District.
It may have been easier for me because I don't think anyone else was looking for the balloons.
I also think it was good of Blizzard to make a new LOW level pet available.
My balloon counted.