Emerald Shale Hatchling

Twitches its fangs and looks about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

1-16 of 16
1-16 of 16

farmed forever looking for a p/p and still no luck... loads of rares and no p/pÂ
In Deepholm at The Quaking Fields, TONS of Emeralds but no rares. I have however gotten three rares of each Twilight Beetle, Stowaway Rat and Crystal Beetles. I've been farming the Emeralds for almost 4 hours now and not a single rare.
What I did to collect all of the Deepholm pets was to take all of the rare level 20-22 pets I collected in Pandaria and leveled them through the uncommon (or less) spawns until I found a rare of each. Helped to easily get a lot of pets to 25 while hunting the rares in Deepholm. I found an area in Shuddering Spires that is emerald (on the map it is to the right of Needlerock Slag) where they spawn in a rotation if you don't want to fight with other collectors in teh Quaking Fields.
I recommend shooting for a P/P variant with the following moveset:
Leech Life - Sticky Web - Stoneskin: This guy can survive a lot with P/P boosting Stoneskin and Leech Life. Look out for opponents with powerful heals, though; even with a P/P build, these aren't particularly hard-hitting attacks.
Got a blue on The Quaking Fields
This pet took about an hour to find a rare of. I ended up killing the ones that werent rares so it was easier to keep up with which ones I checked.
i went for this pet and ended they were all poor and 1 common. after there were no more spawned i went to kill some others for levels for 5-10minutes while coming back and cheking every few battles. Then there was only one up and after waiting i thought to myself im just gonna capture it no matter, and to my luck it was a rare :D
Second try got a uncommon map coordinates 60.5, 47.1 . There were a half dozen, Moon Guard, Horde, 12:23 server.Â
got my rare on the first try, in the quaking fields at 36.75 next to a colossus. good luck.
Agree with the below comments; I was looking for a Fungal Moth at around 46:83 and came across dozens of Emeralds which were rare about 1 in 3 spawns. Felt guilty despawning all those rares just looking for a moth :(
So, it's 6:30am server time on a Saturday and Quaking Fields is full of these. I got a rare on my second battle
Can confirm that at least around midnight the Quaking Fields are "overcrowded" with these. Found my rare on the 20th (or so) attempt and there were still masses of them left.
There where about 10 of them at The Quaking Feilds and my first one was an uncommon and i got and then got the achev Going to need more leashes!!! :D (was at 2:45 server time)Â
I kept going toward the words The Quaking Fields and there were many more.
I have been farming these little buggers for a few hours, and I have yet to see a single one above poor quality. There are an abundance of these at The Quaking Fields. Good luck in the hunt!
Also found plenty of these in The Quaking Fields.
Found lots of these at the Quaking Fields just around midnight server time.