Amethyst Shale Hatchling

Twitches its fangs and looks about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

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In Desolace, I had three rare Amethyst Shale Hatchlings in less than half an hour. Topaz ones showed up as secondaries. The only rare secondary Stone Rush suicided on me. Grrr
If you feel like holding someone in place so you can headbutt them then this is the pet for you. Life leech would restore(some?) the life lost using Stone Rush but not all.
I didn't even know about this guy, but I was working on the Kalimdor Tamer Achievement and was looking for unique pets to complete it with. This little feller fit the bill perfectly. Picked up a rare at Maraudon, on about the 3rd battle.
took 11 battles to get a rare not to shabby, lots to choose from.
these are easy to get at the entrance to a dungeon.don't remember which,they are all over the place!but i'd wtch out for guys reviving well of my guild members tryed and tryed and kept killing it!i got it on the first try.i felt really bad for her.i have it lvl 8.great for ppl who are a little experinced,but have good lvl pets.i can not belive it,but now she has a lvl 11!can not beilive!i don't think she's lvled this guy at all!WOW(not world of world craft,lol)!hope u get it easy!
What I did to collect all of the Deepholm pets was to take all of the rare level 20-22 pets I collected in Pandaria and leveled them through the uncommon (or less) spawns until I found a rare of each. Helped to easily get a lot of pets to 25 while hunting the rares in Deepholm. Found a bunch of these in the cavern belown Crimson Expanse area.
yep, in the cave of Mauradon, you just have to keep going through it until you see them, then there are TONS, only took me a few to get my rare. Warning though, level 35 creatures that you cant just walk by very easily. Im level 49 at the time of this writing, single shot from hunter using aim.
I was a level 30 alliance and I wanted one so bad I walked all the way through kalimindor. NEVER AGAIN.
Loads of hatchlings in Therazane's Throne
Tons of these and the Topaz ones in the Fungal Deep in Deepholm. You have to go inside the cave at Verlok Stand to find them all. I found a rare of this and the topaz within 1 min of each other.
There are also Crimson Geodes in here, but I have yet to see a rare one here or anywhere for that matter.
loads northwest of thargad camp at entrance to maraudon
If you can't see any just head into the cave :)
I love this one! It's unique ability Stoneskin completely obserbs most of the poisons and other DOTs during 5 rounds! Perfect for leveling other pets.
Good against Critters, Animals, Mechanicals and even Flying pets because most of them deal overtime damage that he successfuly obserbs.
Confirmed purple side of Maur. Took awhile but found a rare.
I confess, this is one of my personal favorites.
Tons of Shale Hatchlings (Amethyst, Topaz, and Crimson) are around Therazane's Throne. Just teleport up there and collect away.
I caught a rare one of these and I absolutely love it. Stoneskin, Sticky Web, Leech Life, Sticky Web, Leech Life, repeat. Defeats pretty much anything it comes across without ever dropping below 50% health.
To respond to comments below: the best way to determine rarity is to use an addon or macro. Check the Tools section of this site, there are several good ones.
dont look at the health to detirmine rareity but instead look at the other 2 stats, the sword and the gold arrow. The health sugestion in battle tab here is off and after taming the health jumps. So always look at the non-health stats to determine rareity. That goes for all pets. lvl 8 uncommons can be 82 sword and 82 arrow, health 423 which jumps to 502 after tameing and also 85 sword 77 arrow, health 439 that jumps to 527 after taming. My rare was a lvl 7 81 sword and 76 arrow.Hope this helps.
found hordes (pun intended) of them @ the purple entrance to mauradon -- and lucked onto a rare on my second try!
I found lots of these at south end of Crimson Expanse and Upper Silvermarch in Deepholm around midnight server time.
mine was level 8 i was watching their health when i entered battle, got an uncommon about 390+ health then got a rare lvl 8, 437 health. was about the 3rd or 4th try. good luck and definitly in the purple side of mara :)
I found this lil guy in Maraudon. There are tons there...lvl 7.