Tiny Bog Beast

Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Can be found just north west of Greenwarden's Grove.
Level 0:

RNG hates me lol. Having so much trouble finding a rare would not be nearly as annoying if these things did not take hours to respawn after you battle them all.
Lycky and Unlucky got 2 rares whitin 3 fights not thr H/S breed thoo
I had just landed to tame this cute bog beast when another player, obviously not as taken in with it's cuteness, swooped in and started up a battle................................................. not cool. Fortunately for me, I found another not to long after in poor quality. I flew around a while longer circling my nemisis, for they were still looking as well, and didn't find any others. It was around 6:20 server time when i found mine.
I was thinking these were the Minfernal of the Eastern Kingdom Safari - one of those rare long spawn pets. Mind you my main characters are on highpop horde realms. But tonight I was on an old alliance account on a midlevel realm and happened to be at Wetlands Would you believe I found 4 Tiny Bog Beast playing in the muck their for the taking. I took an H/S and H/H. I don't bother with quality, I have a Pet Menagerie 3 and plenty of pet charms.
So I head out there with my Elemental token ready to snag up the first H/S. Uh... and the first one I engage is an H/S rare quality. Idk what do with myself haha.
Edit: Went to find an H/S Tiny Twister, 0 around. Roughly 30 mins, looked for a rare Cottontail, found rare Prairie Dog, went back to the spawn point only 1.... RARE and H/S. Still have the token FFS (#wowproblems) I hate using hastag BUT it fits. Cottontail found 3 battles later SWEET!
I've found out a very useful role for this pet in the Celestial Tournament. It can take out two of Shademaster Kiryn's pets. Here's how:
Breed - H/S* only
1546 / 260 / 289
Abilities -
[1] Clobber / [2] Lash / [3] Poison Lash
[1] switches Nairn for Stormeon
Stormeon is very weak against Tiny Bog Beast.
Keep up [3] / Spam [2] (intensified by Call Lightning)
[1] switches Nairn again for Summer
Keep up [3] / Spam [2]
Most times you'll live through to die against Nairn.
I prefer the H/S breed, the speed advantage(289 speed) helps both Clobber(stun) and Lash(to get the bonus hit). With Poison Lash, Lash and Clobber you can really punish Mechanicals, and as all elementals you will most likely take weak damage in return. H/P breed(289 power/260 speed) will likely benefit more from big hits of Rampage and Crush. Nice pet if you want a bit diversion from the usual Mech killing elementals of fire and ice. Solid middle ground pet, stun can be a life saver.
O my goodness.... Finally found my rare and I KILLED it :(
It was by accident but still, my lvl4 Rusty Snail wasn't as rusty after all. I got lucky though. My next Bogger had a rare Water Snake as a secondary and I caught that one. And just three battles later I found my blue beauty. Justice was done :)
I remember having chased this little plant in the past for a rare, but didn't after more than a "lot of kills". Glad I did try again, saves me a stone :)
Just did a fly over, and bam, caught one! Poor, but I don't care, LOL................................................. That is what Stones are for! 51 - 37
Found an Uncommon after all! Same area!
I camped the area off and on for a day and saw no spawns on a leveling toon on Sargeras. On a whim, I switched over to another toon I have on Kalegos. I get there and see at least 10 spawns as I fly over. I thought this was the classic, 'only saw them because I was on a flight path' scenario. Nope, place was crawling with them and after 6 battles, I snagged my rare. Long story short, if you aren't seeing any spawns, check a low pop server (if you have a habit of leveling alts like I do).
This little sucker is hard to find a rare one.
Everytime i find some they are grey,white or green.
Think im gonna cry..
Found one today =)
Had suck a hard time with this one. Looked forever this afternoon then found a poor one at about 9:10 in Uldum. It was between the path and the lake to the left of the heart shaped one. I'll just wait till I get a battle stone to upgrade it. Happy Hunting
I am surprised this pet got ONLY three stars!! This pet is awsome against ALL mechanical pets as well as other battle pets. A cheeky Anubis Idol can get a good trashing from this little guy, I tell you that.
These little buggers are certainly hard to find! Ty to everyone for their advice and comments. Guess I will just have to be patient. Dum-dee-dum-dee-dum... :D
Also found 2 uncommon east of greenwarden's grove, approximately 60, 41 in the grassy area. 1:49 am server time, Shadow Council
I've spent a few days trying to find one of these guys in rare quality with H/P build. I was full-time camping a Baby Ape on multiple servers at the time and would log over to check for Bog Beasts every few hours.
What I noticed: After clearing through them, it takes 4-6hrs before they start to respawn. In my own experience, the best hunting time was early morning, as there seemed to be more there than any other time of day. Fly a wide circle around spawn area for stragglers.
Flew over on a flight path and saw 10 of these guys. Landed and flew back to them and only found one Tiny Bog Beast; he was a green. Went over to another area to do some pet farming. When I returned later I found only one again, but this time he was blue, and I managed to catch him.
I waited for an hour for this thing. No spawns. Tried killing the mirebeasts to force a spawn. Nothing. Figured I would just wait a bit and fish, but after a while just said screw it, I'll try again later. Literally as I turned around to leave a little green paw showed up on my minimap. There it was! It was poor quality, but at that point, I figured I'll take what I can get. I can always try again later, or use a stone. Caught it at around 7:00PM on Azuremyst-US, near the heart shaped lake.
I dont know if there connected by zone, but right after we split captured a Tiny Twister at 744p server, I flew south to wetlands and he one was spawned at 55, 27, he was not here when i flew north to check the Tiny Twister, so most likely just coincidental. Split catpuring DOES work if u want to share the pets with guildies and friends, we just count down on vent 3, 2, 1, click. and repeat untill both parties have a copy of the pet.
am on nesingwary server us. does anyoone know where i can find these tiny bog critters? trying to collect and didnt see any around the green belt area.