Terrible Turnip

Terrible Turnip
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and roars.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
Players can start their own personal farms at Halfhill in the Valley of the Four Winds at level 85. When harvesting fully grown crops, players will have a small chance of looting an Ominous Seed. If planted, the seed will grow and yield the Terrible Turnip when harvested.
Level 0:

One of the best pets in the game. More or less essential. You can use them to battle low level pets without killing them using a primary ability w/no cooldown (unlike superbark w/a 4 round cd).
Also has a full party heal and works well on a sun team. For reasons that defy logic, often extremely cheap on the AH.
I feel bad - someone listed one for one silver on the AH. I mean, not bad enough to not buy it, but still. Bad.
One word, "TERRIBLE"! To be fair I haven't worked with this Pathetic Parsnip much. I don't like pets that kill my own team.
You can get this pet via the Tiller's farm, but I've gotten only one after ~500 attempts (plantings) - would highly recommend just buying from AH. This is a must have when you're wanting that elusive pet and really don't want to kill it. Just watch out for the occassional pets that have damage to self moves (e.g., Headbutts that deal damage to self as well as other pet) or if you have a DoT in effect and you get them too low with weakening blow before capture.
Use this pet to catch pets that you don't want to kill!!
I can't believe how many comments I have read where the user "accidentally" kills the pet they are attempting to tame. Weakening blow is like beating them down with a mattress. They will get tired and then you can tame them.
-Special note................................................. the Unborn Valk killed itself T_T so it wasn't my fault.
Someone needs to explain to Blizz that a turnip does not look like a purple and white carrot...
Love my turnip! A must have for any serious pet collector. Had to buy mine as the rng gods did not shine on me. But I got it for 7g
Don't forget. If you're having tons of trouble finding this pet, you can usually buy him from the AH for cheap!
Trying for this pet but I am not getting it. 9 different characters 12 plots to plant per day so far no luck in about two weeks. Following the advice below planting what Yoon tells me via the daily quest.
If you don't have a Terrible Turnip, you need to get one immediately! This pet is what you build your capture team around. Sunlight doubles the health pool, thus doubling your capture window, and Weakening Blow will not reduce the enemy's HP below 1.
Give your target a couple whacks (no DoT's) with your big guns, then whip out the turnip, turn on Sunlight, and give another whack or two and you'll never again accidentally kill the pet your trying to capture.
I got mine for 90 gold on the AH. I named hime Turnip Head from Howle's Moving Castle. He's really easy to level, just open with him and hit everything with sunny day. Then switch and mow the enemy team down. He will be amazing to use to catch other enemies without worrying about killing them.
Named mine Baldric ^^
Just be sure not to use Leech Seed too late in the battle if you are trying to catch a pet. Leech Seed lasts for 1 round so you can use it, then use Weakening Blow, and then Leech Seed's effect can kill your opponent. Very frustrating if you forget and use Leech Seed when you wanted to catch the pet!
And yes, very cheap - I think they are below 5g on some of the realms I play on. Almost not worth posting my extras.
I love this thing. You will never kill a rare ever again if you have a lvl 25 turnip. Not sure if this is coincidence but I have had 3 drop and all of those seeds came from harvesting the crop of the day (I normally farm motes). Cheap on the AH too so get one and lvl it for your pet collecting pleasure.
The best thing about this pet is the ability Weakening Blow. I will save you the frustration of killing that verry rare spawned pet you just found after like a month of farming for it. If you dont have it yet and dont feal like farming for one just buy one of the AH they should be fairly cheep.
These are a must for any serious battle pet collectors. The first attack (Weakening Blow) will never kill a pet your attacking as long as it doesn't suicide, there are no dots, or other things that could kill the pet. This is especially perfect for when you're farming for rares or hard to find.
It's rather cheap on the AH too (I got mine for 20g) so there really isn't any excuse...
One of the Tillers (Ella) gives you a tree seed pack. I planted the 3 trees and looted it that day. Not 100% sure it came from one of the trees, but I'm pretty sure it did.
After months of trying farm, I just bought off ah for 14g!
Got to SW to take my portal to the farm, checked AH casually and found it for 99 gold, hell yeah!
I got mine for 8g in AH I think someone messed up bad they go for 40,000 on silvermoon alliance AH. the best way to get it is just to farm your crops every day to get the seed to plant to get it. You know if the bunnicula would have a fight on his hands if he tried to get this veggie (you have a great life when you were younger if you know who bunnicula is)