Ruby Sapling

Looks around and Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012

I used this one in the Deadmines pet dungeon, it stood like a ... tree!
Using H/H Ironbark, Thorns, Photosynthesis, i was able to solo a whole battle against the Unfortunate Defias and have enough health left to be used again in several battles afterwards.
Worked especially well against the parrots, because they use multiple attacks, thus giving themself more damage because of your Thorns, while you reduce a lot of damage per hit, win win, and a heal each turn too, win win win :P
Annoying. Â I created a Blood Elf after several hours with no luck on my 103 NElf. Â I switched back to my NElf to do the holiday dungeon and while I was waiting in the queue, I hit two pet battles for this sapling and the second one was rare. Â Created a BElf for nothing. Â At least she's pretty.
I finally got a rare H/H breed after following the suggestion of others and using a level 1 blood elf. I farmed for hours on my level 100 orc and found nothing but green, white, and grey. After 2 battles on a level 1 blood elf, I found a rare H/H.
Yes Finally!! Â Took me two weeks of an hour or more a day but I finally found a rare one. Â I love this little guy and I really wanted a rare and one finally showed up a few minutes ago. Â Now I'm running around leveling him up. YAY!
In sunlight this tree works really well, with double heal and shield attack. Thorns is only useful against multi attack abilities. Good vs mechanicals as all elementals. Still feels like a poor mans Blossoming Anicent, since the Ancient brings it's own sunlight. Decent pet if you like the slow approach to battling. Without sunlight there are more powerful elementals out there.
Farmed for an hour on my level 88 Human paladin, during which time I encountered four uncommons and tons of commons and poors. I saw three rares, but the first two were both H/S and I was after the H/H breed. All of the uncommons and rares were closer to Silvermoon city and the eastern edge of the zone. My suggestion for farming this pet is to go further into the zone where other collectors may be unwilling to risk travelling.
I searched much of Eversong Woods, finally found a rare in the low level area, Sunstrider Isle. This may be why those creating new toons are then finding their rare.
I don't have a massive collection and I haven't tried everything out there, but this is a fantastic little workhorse. I've gotten him to lvl 13 so I don't have the last 2 moves available yet, but I set him up to heal at the end of ever turn, dish some damage whenever he's hit, and the lvl 10 attack hits pretty hard while reducing damage taken on the next turn with no cool down. It keeps up his health and chews down the enemy. Slow, but very effective. I can't praise this pet enough.
Worked like a charm. Tried forever to get a rare on my lvl 90 Human and lvl 90 Goblin. Rolled a lvl 1 Blood elf, first 3 were uncommon 4th one was rare
After reading Spiritoflove's comment, I also decided to try farming with a different race.
I started a new Blood Elf and focused on battling everything in sight. Before I left the Ruins of Silvermoon, I had 3 rares. Maybe a good night. Maybe the drop tables have changed. Maybe the drop rate is more generous with a level apropriate character in the area.
Finally, finally, finally. I leveled a 38 hunter to 39 just doing pet battles to get this rare quality... that's a lot of dead trees.
I found three of these guys at Faststrider Retreat within three minutes.
Reading comments I see I got super lucky. Â Rare on the second spawn I encountered bottom of zone near the road. Â Not reall close to any camps or populated areas. Â
Took about 2 hours but, I got mine between Faribreeze Village and East Sanctum. All the other comments kept me encouraged that it was possible. Lol! Not the longest grind for a rare, but, long enough!
After battling over 300 of these..Finally got a rare at Ruins of Silvermoon
GL guys your need it
I just spent the last 3 hours trying to find a rare (still none), but I have a ton of pets I leveled 1-5. Â Maybe tomorrow will work out better.Â
Edit - leveled 3 more pets to 5 and finally got it.
find my rare after 34 Ruins of guys
Got a rare after about an hour of battling other saplings and rabbits in the area. Found mine south of the North Sanctum. If you're Alliance... Be careful. :D
1st one I came across was a rare! :-D