Crazy Carrot

Crazy Carrot
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about and roars.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
Players can purchase this pet from the vendor located at the Herb Garden in the garrison. This plot can be unlocked at level 96 in a level 2 garrison.
Draenic Seeds can drop from the garrison Herb Garden (does not require Herbalism) as well as any Draenic herb node.
Draenic Seeds can drop from the garrison Herb Garden (does not require Herbalism) as well as any Draenic herb node.
Level 0:

1-13 of 13
1-13 of 13

Mech killer! Awesome vs. Eddie Fixit and his crew.
Any pet with Blistering Cold is absolute gold in Legendary Pet battles, as the Legendary Pet can't swap and the stacking damage nature wreaks havoc. Stacking Blistering Cold with Black Claw, Flock, and/or Hunting Party is absolute death for the foe.
Interesting choice of talents. Blistering cold seems to be a annoying yet weak ability. It only seems to do a tiny amount of damage each turn like a Turret. It is a interesting 4 round ability that only requires a pet to leave the front line in order to remove the effect. I am curious to see what Black Claw would do if mixed with this effect. At least it would allow me to make the other team swap allot and at best it would eat them alive. What about sandstorm? Use Acid rain.
If you've not gotten this yet, the best and quickest way if you have Flying in Draenor is to get a a Druid and flying around collecting Herbs. Talador and Tanaan Jungle seem to have a lot of nodes. Manage to get the pet after about 4-5 hours of farming and getting the needed 1000 seeds.
Took me about 2 months of collecting seeds from my garrison level 3 herb garden almost every day. This guy is adorable! You could probably get this a lot faster with herbalism but I didn't think this was that painful. Good luck :)
As this pet is incredible similiar to the "Carrotus Maximus" which doesn't have an own Page here, I'll post this under the Crazy Carrot as it will be probably the same strategy for the Crazy Carrot aswell: Chose a team of frogs and spam Frog Kiss. If you're lucky, you don't even need to heal them. Just beat Carrotus Maximus with only one Garden Frog and no healing ability.
just got my 1000th seed today. Leveling him up. cant wait to see what he's capable of.
@Fondoogler: Correct, this is a bug. Cost is 1,000 seeds. It was 50 in the Beta and they forgot to update it for Live.
@Malekith: Hold onto your seeds. Placing work orders gets you more herbs in your inventory, but doesn't affect the garden itself at all. Since you'll be drowning in herbs after a few weeks anyway, work orders are a waste of seeds if you're aiming for this pets. ...I wish I'd made that connection earlier.
I got mine today, I had to collect 25 seeds and on my last herp to pick I had 999, I was thrilled and love the pet.
Just got mine today. Did a lot of picking to get him. Having a lvl 3 Herb garden helps a ton.
my question is: what is the better strategy: reserve all the seeds obtained upto reach the 1000 seeds or invest some seeds placing orders in your garden (not sure if it is necessary for upgrades of the garden to obtain more plants and seeds)?
Not sure if this is a bug or what. But the pet journal says this pet costs 50 draenic seeds, whereas the vendor sells it for 1000. A mix up by blizzard perchance?