Mire Creeper

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.0.2 | Posted: October 13, 2020
Level 0:

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

I used a Terroclaw Hatchling as pimary: Alpha Strike, Nature's Ward, and Ravage (slot filler). Keep up Nature's Ward, Alpha Strike to about 25% (or above 167 hp)
and just pass or NW until it body slams and capture. Judo, use your opponent's strength against him.
I accidentally blew up the first...waited on respawn and he spawned under an elite but I managed to start the fight far enough away before I got aggro. I got a green, but It's not worth the effort - ill just stone that sucker lol.
The difference between this and Withering Creeper is a big one. Poison Lash is the icing on the DoT cake. That, along with Toxic Smoke and Fumes will keep two DoT's up and running a bit longer. Nightmare isn't as rare an ability as it used to be, but because this is a wild pet, it is the most available. Generally built for P and denying healing.
Be very careful. I found a rare P/B but my Turnip got his health too low and he killed himself with Body Slam, which does 167 damage to themselves.
There is only one spawn spot, the one already mentioned, it runs around in a circle with a 5min respawn timer approx. Doesn't seem to spawn as secondary pet, also seems to have high chance to spawn as a rare quality (3 out of 4 checks blue for me, 1 green). So put up campfire till you get the breed you want. I was gunning for an HP.
Found a Rare P/S. He killed himself doing Body Slam. Arrgh
Next Time I'll cycle him until Body Slam isn't an option
Same spot as everyone else 56 59 only one and he was in the pool.
Spawned by the Pale Doom mob for me: and it does move really fast: safe spot to wait at 56 59 ish
Found mine in the small purple pool to the left of the Darkhaven flight pathÂ
/way 56, 59
It runs very fast, might want to interact with mouseover like I did to start fight
Found one as main pet at 55,59 in Revendreath. Rare quality. It moves fast!
I found one in the wild at (53, 61) in Revendreth but accidentally killed it. Glad to see it's not only a secondary pet though! Snagged a screenshot just in case.
Alright based on abilities he could throw out toxic fumes then use his poison dots then spam toxic fumes