Lord Stantley

Lord Stantley
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 10.1.0 | Posted: May 2, 2023
Players will need to obtain and use Clacking Claw before interacting with the Curious Top Hat, otherwise the pet won't drop.
Level 0:

1-3 of 3
1-3 of 3

I found the Top Hat just below Glimmerogg, it took me 4 hours checking all the spawn points in rotation. If you're not sure what you are looking for, the Top hat is helm size and sat the right way up on the ground ( not upside down like a magicians hat) it doesn't vanish if you look at it or go by it, but don't click on it until you use the Clacking Claw buff, you can see the hat moving with Lord Stantley underneath it. He is then yours instantly .. he wears his own little top hat ..such a cutie :)
I found mine at 63.2, 55.72. I've heard that there a few more locations possibly.
/way 38.86, 64.32
/way 51.58, 66.89
/way 61.73, 69.79
/way 61.57, 69.53
/way 43.96, 77.48
/way 63.20, 55.72
Can be looted from the Curious Top Hat. You will need a Clacking Claw, drops from the rare Klakatak and can also be bought of the AH. Click the Clacking Claw before you approach the Curious Top Hat or it will run away.
known locations for the Top Hat
/way 38.86, 64.32
/way 43.96, 77.48
/way 51.58, 66.89