Jade Tentacle

Jade Tentacle
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Flails about.
Creaking (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.3 | Posted: September 25, 2012
This pet is rewarded via the mail when your character completes the "Time to Open a Pet Store" achievement. To complete this achievement, your character must possess at least 400 unique vanity pets. Upon learning your 400th pet, you'll immediately receive this pet in your mailbox
Level 0:

1-22 of 22
1-22 of 22

"Gotta catch 'em all!"
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going...
Breanni's comment at the bottom of the page for this pet refers to a Female, but this pet is only Male.
Pretty upset that they gave this pet two breeds that is completly out of our control to do anything about. Just like the Briliant kalairi :-( They really need to pick a breed and make everyone's the same
Got this today when I earned Tito. Both showed up in my pet log with out the need to log my toon out, then back in. I dont think I'll use it; it's a bit creepy.
Got mine this morning! It's suh a creepy little thing. I like making pet-sets to go into battle with and I think he'll pair up nicely with my Creepy Crate and maybe a Crawling Claw? Got a breed 9.
Just got it in breed 9, it was added to my pets right away, no need to relog.
When the player moves away from the jade tentacle it will bury itself in the ground and emerge close to the player.
Brilliant Kaliri, Jade Tentacle, Tirisfal Batling, Firefly, Jade Crane Chick, Gilnean Raven, and Shore Crawler are no longer available in multiple breeds.
Edit: Just recieved it and it is Breed 9, H/S.
I can confirm that it is indeed possible to get breed 12, thats pretty annoying since I can't see any way of being able to obtain the ach again to try for the better breed :/ I will go to the forums and see if there are anyother gripes, hopefully we can get them to change it to just one breed :)
It's 400 poits guys.
I'm only 95 acheivement points away from getting this thing. A little miffed that there are 2 different breed id's though. If I get the 12 breed I'm going to be furious!! >:[
@Tialeen "Revive Pet"
I can confirm this happened to me too. No pet till I revived, I used a pet bandage and it worked. Thanks for the tip.
got this yesterday..not sure if i want to lvl it or what it is interesting though...:)
Got the achievement but found no pet! No need to log out
just 'revive' battle pets, and there he is (strange glitch?!)
Now I have my own Lil' Cthulhu pet >.<
Just got this today. Not the biggest fan of it, but it is different, and have only seen 1 on my server as of now. It is from 400 achieve points, which isn't too bad. Just get the safari, tamer and battle ones out of the way. Takes time but all things that are worth doing generally do :) Make sure to either revive your pets or re log to get it to show in your journal.
It is 400, He will show in your journal automatically. This pet is a little creepy looking :P
i really have a thing against tentacles in the game and then when i saw that they added a tentacle pet i about freaked out lol
so is it actually a 400 point achievement and not 300 or are people just not logging out after 300 points to get this pet to show up in the log
this pet was so special to me, I got this at the same time I finally defeated the master battle person in vale. Took a long time! I can't wait to train this one up with my turnip.
When I moused over the achieve needed for this it states 300 points, but in reality it is 400, was a tad diappointed but oh well, off to get more points!
Got him on 10/03. I felt the need to post my legacy for the ages somewhere. =) Attacks are the standard elemental tree/plant mix with no real variation. He really could have used the monks Jade Lightning or something, but he's a very solid wall with damage reduction, medium healing (strong in sun) and either a weakish attack or damage shield. Overall I like crabs better as walls, but elemental typing can be handy.
It is one of my favorites now! And isn't it the 'Green Tentacle' pet from the Maniac Mansion?
Earned the achievement for this today. Looks like he'll be an interesting combat pet. He doesn't come in the mail by the way. You have to log out and when you log back in he shows up in your collection.