Electrified Razortooth

Idles about and shakes head.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.2.0 | Posted: March 5, 2013
Level 0:

This guy kicks nass and takes manes. Against pets with flurry type moves, or multi-turn swarming this guy doesn't even break a sweat. Lightning shield is simply devastating, even vs pets that take reduced damage from elementals.
Barring damage reduction, simply rip, lightning shield, and blood in the water will usually make short work of the opposing pet.
I use this guy as my opener, followed by Eldritch manafiend, & anubisath idol vs teams of unknown makeup
Makes an adorable noise when clicked.
Skuttler's Shell from Timeless Isle works here. It means you can walk through without agroing mobs. I found that really useful. Since I have the legendary cloak which causes a passive AOE. This passive AOE can and does inadvertantly kill critters. So with Skuttler's Shell, you can walk pretty much everywhere and not get agro.
Can you catch this pet if you haven quested in the area at all?
This pet is by far one of the best you can find. The combination of Rip and Blood in the Water can almost always take out your enemy or if not, bring it's hp really low. The fact he has Devour means he can self heal too, these three things make him a formatible pet, and mine is one of my top ten pets. It took some time to find a rare, but it was worth the effort, just be careful to mind your surroundings while you fighting in ToT!
That pet is cool Rip and Blood in the Water is OP + Cleansing Rain is better burst in pet battle
This pet is going to become a LOT stronger with the 5.3 ability swap:
Electrified Razortooth: swapped positions of Blood In The Water and Paralyzing Shock abilities.
Means you can have Rip/Blood in the Water and your choice of Devour or Paralyzing Shock depending on PvE or PvP.
I had no problems finding these around the pools of Diremoor, but I did have problems finding better than an Uncommon. I engaged several Greens, caught two, but they seem to be limited in breed. Maybe next time.
Didn't get a single Battlestone the whole time I was on the island, either [/grump].
This pet is an optimal damage dealer for two reasons: it uses high damaging ability that requires to meet a condition (Rip w/ Blood in the Water) and a damage-rooting ability to keep the enemy from switching (Paralyzing Shock). You have to be prepared to deal with avoiding abilities, but fortunately Rip and Blood in the Water are flexible enough to wait a turn or two.
Fantastic pet, make them bleed then load 'em with damage. If you need an Elemental, I would recommend this.
I wonder why it says that 0.0% of the community has this pet. I have one, and it seems that many people already do as well.
very effective battlepet
I got a green on my first trip to Isle of Thunder at about midnight EST. He was in the swampy area next to a lvl 90 giant turtle. I fought the turtle and died but was able to click on the little fellow outside the aggro range. The only other one I found was a gray, which I left for others. Got a blue stone after my next battle :) There were many people on the island so there may have been many others.
I got a poor and won a stone two battles later:)
Judging by about 100 or so battles I've clicked so far, this pet is ONLY primary, NEVER secondary. I've found a few, definitely not as common as the snake/frog in the first stage, but the ones I HAVE found were in the swampy ring around Diremoor.
Got one this evening. It's a Green but good for now. Nice lightening animation.
These pets now seem to be spawning correctly in the wildvine marsh area, and all over the rest of the swamp areas on isle of thunder, they appear as a primary only and close to lv 25
If you are having a hard time catching this little guy due to phasing (you move in close and it disappears but you move away and it reappears) try to use an "interact with target" macro/button. I was getting really angry about not being able to get him, but finally tried this and first try I got him!
So cute. :)
Found one of these sort of on accident. He was wandering in the area where the Saurok daily quest givers are (Horde Side) in a swampy area. Did not phase out as I approached.
Hopefully that will be some useful information for anyone hoping to find one they can actually tame. Wish you luck and hope the phasing issue is resolved soon.
Managed to find one on the way to the QM on the island. He was in the swampy area there. I have, also, found a lot of phased areas that will probably be opened up as incursion in the island happens. Phasing is obviously an issue at the moment for some of the spawns of pets. Happy hunting all.