Cinderhoney Emberstinger

Air (flies alongside flying mount)
Flutters about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
The War Within
Patch 11.0.2 | Posted: August 26, 2024
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

Flew to the meadery and found 2 up, both poor quality, used a stone to raise to rare, must have been my lucky day.
Found rare quality is primary pet at 73.83, 46.84
Since I haven't seen this spot mentioned, I found mine at 68.4, 41.4. It's on the other side of the Cinderwold from the Cinderbrew Meadery (just the slightest bit northeast from the Durgaz Cabin flight point). Mine was sitting on top of a short fence there.
Killed all non-battle versions of the pet as well as every other active battle in the area for a little bit (~32 minutes). A rare quailty one eventually spawned @ 73,40 - on the hill with the Cinderhoney Droplet mobs. Happy Hunting!
after looking for three days and killing all non-battle pets and battling the others, finally spotted one near 71, 39. Was just off that path through Cinderward, surrounded by elite bees and almost in a cave. First two attempts to get to it ended up in my death rather rapidly. Third time was able to creep up and click span it to engage.engage
by far the hardest to find wild pet in TWW. Seems to share a spawn point with neutral npcs of the same name around Cinderbrew meadery. It was the last I needed for the safari achieve and took about an hour of killing neutrals to have a battle pet spawn. (all spawn around meadery..some by elite quest mobs and some off to the side by the bridges and lampposts)