
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
3 allowed
Patch 10.1.0 | Posted: May 2, 2023
Chest of Massive Gains spawns after defeating the rare elite Brullo the Strong.
Level 0:

1-6 of 6
1-6 of 6

Decent in battle. As far as looks or animations goes... Sadly lacking. In Warcraft- rocks do stuff. This rock does nothing to make you want to like it.
It's not a bad pet in my opinion. That 2,8 star rating is not doing it justice. Don't get me wrong it's not an S tier battle pet either but I'd rate it 3,5 stars due to it's strong damage oriented moveset. It's also extremely strong against the evergreen Mechanical Pandaren Dragonling in PVP so for that alone it gets 3 stars from me. I've had several people with Mech Panda Dragon in their team forfeit the moment they see Brul in my team.
I got the pet today, me and 3 others did the event, one other guy used the rocks on the rocks, i was the first to open the chest and was the only one to get the pet. i will say i have noticed that the first to loot often gets the mount/pet in situtations like this.
In order too get Brul from the chest that Brullo drops after you kill him you have to have a certain food to eat before you open up the chest but after you kill Brullo...its called, Rocks on Rocks...the recipe can drop from the chest from Brullo or you can find it on the AH to buy...I got the pet today earlier on my druid was the 3rd try using the food after we killed Brullo...again you eat the food after you kill Brullo not before....if you eat the food before it gets cancelled when you enter the fight.
I've seen it on AH today.
Ok anyone actually gotten this pet or seen anyone else get it?