Skunky Alemental

Skunky Alemental
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Is absorbed by another player's summoned Happiness, causing it to despawn.
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.4.0 | Posted: September 10, 2013
Level 0:

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

To weeks and over 50 kills today it finally dropped when I killed it on m'y own.
I was excited about the concept of this pet as I like his abilities. Unfortunately his stats are too average to make it work with the abilities. Speed would be needed to put down the debuff or a more powerful primary attack. Gets killed too easily in a line up with not enough damage to show for it im afraid
can anyone say which breed is best?
got VERY lucky! mne was only 400g on sen'jin, and he is a great pet thus far
i wanted this guy so bad that when i saw him in ah i broke down and bought'im. anybody got any team suggestions for this guy?
I have two of these, I'm planning to pare back to one, but trying to decide between stats. I have an H/H and an H/P. Has anyone raised one to 25 and used him enough to decide if he could use a little more health, or a little more power?
This one dropped twice in a row for me. Kept one myself and gave the other one to my sister who hadn't had any luck getting this after many many tries.
Got this pet at the first drop! Thank goodness!
Inebriate is pretty solid.
Drops from the alemental miniboss who spawns at the end of the skunky brew event in Old Pi'jiu village. He spawns once the "skunky brew" counter reaches ten. You can increase it either by killing alemental trash or by destroying kegs on the ground (there are 5-6 of them spread around the area).
Once completed, the event resets after 30-60 minutes. Never less than 30, never more than 60. Gu'chi and Imperial Python can spawn nearby, so keep an eye out for them if you're camping.
A possible drop from the rare spawn, Zhu-gon the Sour.
Co-ordinates are: 37.37 77.29.
Zhu-gon's respawn timer is approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour. He has about 3mil HP and generally requires a group to kill, though he can be solo'd. In the event preceeding his arrival, a large keg appears on the Old Pi'jiu well and lesser Ale's spawn. Ten of these Ales must be killed before Zhu-gon appears. As a bonus, you can kill the Spectral Windwalkers around the area for coins, patterns and other green drops while you camp him.
I found my pet after roughly 15 kills. He has a rather diverse move set that would make him useful against several other types. For example, as an Elemental type with Beast type abilities, he's strong against Critters, which Elementals are generally weak against.
Got this twice in a row O.o Nice couple of abilities. Cute theme overall.