Searing Scorchling

Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Hovers, leaving trails of flame when moving. Also sets nearby critters on fire (rare).
» Video
Smouldering (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
Sets nearby critters on fire, killing them.
World Event: Midsummer Fire Festival
Drop: Lord Ahune [70+]
Zone: Slave Pens
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Scorched Stone
Item Level 20
Binds when picked up
Use: Right Click to summon and dismiss your Scorchling.
In years prior, this pet could be found in Lord Ahune's Ice Chest. As of 2010, it no longer drops from Ahune.
In Patch 4.2 (June 2011), the Searing Scorchling became a random drop found within Zen'vorka's Cache. The vendor that sells this cache may only be unlocked upon completion of the new Hyjal questing hub and storyline, up to and including the three vendor specific quests. Check out our Community Guide: Unlocking the Mount Hyjal Vendors for more information.
The cache costs 30 Marks of the World Tree.

Any water pets that look like this one? I like the old style elementals and would like a water one for restro spec on my shaman :D
I had finished the grind for this zone years ago. Decied to go back today and have a shot at obtaining the Scorchling. Purchased my first cache and received some random green. Purchased a second bag and woot!! Got the pet. Don't give up.
I find that this pet is more powerful than any of the other pets with the talent Conflagrate.
This pet if you happen to be unlucky has to be the worst grind in history. Its not enough to complete the whole fire thing and unlock the mount. You still got to buy bags for a chance each day and maybe 2 if your lucky that day comes each week. I did this for maybe 2 weeks after the massive monthly grind and caved in. My girlfriend happened to have done the rep grind on her main and alts and said she deleted the scorchlings (fell off my chair). Safe to say she did it for a week and happened to get one for me.
Having completed the first 30 days of grinding, I can now repeatedly grind for the bags. And when I get this pet, I'm calling it Pita.
I know that to achieve this pet, I have to complete the ancients missions, travel to the Molten Front and then, buy it. The thing is that I already have the mission (not done) to start it (the mission which tells you to go to help some people in Mount Hyjal), but I can't do it, cause when I look for the location of mission in the map, it doesn't say anything.. Could it be because I only have the Cataclysm expansion or do I have to do anything special?
I gave up on the Cache drop a long time ago... I found one on AH today for 2500! SCORE!
I had > 800 marks on my toons when I started farming back in sept (2013). Wowhead drop rate says 5%. That means 30 marks a day (dailies), 1 cache / day = 1 pet every 20 days. I should have 5 by now by that rate! :( There's no way it's 5%!
I lost count of how many bags i opened and no pet. I got lucky today and saw one on Hyjal AH for 4k bid and 5k buyout and it was already lvl 8 I put in the bid and won it. Check the auction houses, you might get lucky.
Great pet but can be a long old grind to get. The Fel Flame has an identical move set (as does the Spirit of Summer) and is far easier to farm in Shadowmoon Valley.
It doesn't have any healing abilities, making it tough to train. But it hits like a truck with its 2 DOTs and its conflagrate combo. If your looking for a strong elemental pet, this one is a great choice.
They may have improved the drop rate as I got it in my first bag too. This should be listed under Molten Front instead of Mt Hyjal.
I can't believe I got it first bag I bought!
RNG hates me. I opened bag 66 today and still no scorchling. :(
I just hope to get it before Mists. :)
What a perfect pet to get to finally make the littlest pet shop achievement.