Mawtouched Geomental

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 9.2.0 | Posted: February 22, 2022
Wild Mawtouched Geomental are hidden unless your character is under the effects of Questionable Mawshrooms, which can be looted from mushrooms on Korthia.
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

Great comment, it was quite a work to get the mushrooms, but in the end I had it and ate them at the mentioned spots. Total did about 4 fights, only commen drop, but upgraded it with a stone.
Other thing I was followed by "the Jailer", as a ghost, did nothing but was cool.
He wasn't an added pet for me. He was standing on top of a rock at 63.1 68.8.
Just capture one thanks to Secret Finders. In order to see this pets, you need to consume one "Questionable Mawshroom". There are around ~62,74 in Zereth Mortis. Happy hunting
Credit to LetMahz on
"Grab yourself some Questionable Mawshrooms (can be looted from the treasure called Invasive Mawshroom in Korthia), come back to Zereth, around 62, 74, eat the mawshroom and look around for a bit. Found three of them just living their best life."
I personally found about 5 of them in the general area - wherever the geomental lvl 60 mobs are.
Anyone found this battle pet yet? I'm wondering if it's on one of the 2 islands we don't have access to yet in the first week of 9.2