
Lump of Coal
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Rocks tumbling (constant); vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Patch 4.3.0 | Posted: December 15, 2011
The quest, You're a Mean One..., is a daily quest that can be completed once per day during the Feast of Winter Veil. Upon completion, players are awarded with a Stolen Present which has a chance of dropping this companion pet.

Lumpy is the fastest(273) of the thee rock elementals that share ability setup, the others are Pebble(1969 health!) and Grinder(289 power). Only one move, Stone Shot, does not have a cooldown so be careful in what order you play your moves so you don't get cooldown locked. Lumpy is a solid elemental that really destroys mechanicals. Both Rock Barrage and Quake is useful to remove Decoys/shields. All in all very good elemental pet.
Just picked one up.Came here looking for info. Will have to claim it (it's soulbound) before I can try to trade it - already have one - and that will have to wait just a bit. May be able to trade it in-guild later.
Has anyone gotten this to drop during the 2013 WInter Veil Event? Or will I need to purchase him on the AH?
Got it on AH today for 340g - what a steal =D x
It didnt drop last year, or this year and i have been spamming trade every day since the end of Feast of Winter Veil. and finally someone answerd and sold me one for 300g. :)
I come from a low pop server and was having trouble finding one of these for sell or trade (and by that I mean no one was wanting to part with one.) So I got an alt on a high pop server to trade chat and offered to trade pets that I had about 6k invested in and got several hits immediately. Just something to think about if you're on a server that seems to have a low supply of these little lumps (and you're not lucky enough to get a drop!) So happy that pets are account wide now.
Finally! I got mine this morning! I am so glad to see that when it is 'learned' Lumpy is a rare quality.
Been trying every day with my nine alts and have yet to get him. Ive gotten the clockwork robot three times though.
Just got him today in the gift package with the minizep. Oh made my day! Tis my early Christmas gift ^.^
ran it on 8x85s last year every day with no luck, did same for first 2 days this year, still no luck :( saw one on horde AH for 3400g and thought sod it!, time it takes me to run all those alts around I could have earned the gold back :)
Now I'm happy ;)
got my little sweetheart on my first runthru with the greench -- now it's time to run his lvls up!
Last year I tried it on 3 different characters each day and didn't see a single one. Today on my first try... Thank you RNG, I guess? Now happy that I finally have him :) Good Luck to you all!
According to statistics gathered on wowhead, the dropchance is 2.94%, or 2 in 68(1 in 34). Comparably, Frigid Frostling who is also available 15 days a year from a world event, only has a 3.59% droprate, or 1 in 28.
Logically, there is no reason why blizzard would differentiate between the two, if this is correct, using the statistical count on wowhead, the actual droprate for both combined is 3.05%.
I think its fair to say the droprate is programmed to be 3%.
Did quest every day while available. Hopefully it's still available to even try next year, unlike some of the midsummer ones who like to tease us.