Hatespark the Tiny

Hatespark the Tiny
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Warlords of Draenor
Patch 6.0.1 | Posted: October 14, 2014
For a limited time during WoW's 20th Anniversary event (October 22, 2024 to January 6, 2025), this pet was purchasable from Storekeeper Reginald for 10 Bronze Celebration Tokens.
WoW celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2014, and as part of the celebration a special version of the Molten Core raid was released.
Players were able to queue up for this revamped, level 100 raid through the Looking For Raid window during the anniversary period.
Hatespark the Tiny originally dropped from the last boss, Ragnaros.
This pet can now be found only through trades and the Auction House.
WoW celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2014, and as part of the celebration a special version of the Molten Core raid was released.
Players were able to queue up for this revamped, level 100 raid through the Looking For Raid window during the anniversary period.
Hatespark the Tiny originally dropped from the last boss, Ragnaros.
This pet can now be found only through trades and the Auction House.
Level 0:

You can now purchase him for a limited time from Storekeeper Reginald in the Celebration Pavilion for the 20 year celebration.
Can confirm that this is available on the AH, saw one for 375,000 gold on my realm
I ran this LFR (back when there was a "Looking For Raid") over a dozen times trying to get this pet to drop back when it was available and it never dropped. Very frustrating because many of the groups wiped out and disbanded. I was so upset when the event ended and I didn't get one and the AH prices were astronomical (100k) and back then 100k was a fortune. Now you can get one for 50k on the AH and that's the only way to get it (other than internet purchase).
Other than AH, EBay, or BMAH... is this pet even still available? Just wondering...
Can anyone tell me if this pet drops from Ragnaros in Firelands??
I got this at my first MC raid. Didn't even know that this pet is so valuable. Someone in my realm posted "WTB Hatespark the Tiny 50k" Then I wondered why a pet is so much expenive. When I clicked the pet link. I saw it in my pets. I didn't even do pet battle. So I sold it to 70k. Nice income :) Now I started to battle pets. I don't even need that I guess. 70k is a good income :)
I was never able to get this pet during the raid and thought I'd never be able to get one because of the outragous price people were selling them for. But the price, on my server anyway, is finally coming down. There were a few on the AH ranging from 55k to 45k which I thought was still a bit much so I decided to start announcing in trade chat "WTB Hatespark the Tiny 35k. PST." Finally after a few time of trying on the second day someone whispered me back and I bought it right away for 35k.
I ran MC about twenty times during the anniversary event and NEVER had the pet drop for me....was a bit disappointing to do all that work as a tank and not see any reward (ie. Hatespark).....can't even buy him from the AH as he runs over 150k on my server
I started MC fairly late in the anniversary because I needed to gear up two 'toons, but Serverstraza, the goddess of Wyrmrest Accord, finally smiled on me after several things happened: I did over half a dozen runs; I had another player offer to shank me if I got the pet and she didn't (and subsequently cheered me on in a contrarian fashion); and most importantly, the raid called for All Corgis Out! during the Ragnaros fight! Obviously, corgis are good luck!
Last night of MC, my second run and he dropped! I nearly fell off the couch! I am one lucky girl!
Got mine today- feel very lucky since it was close to the end.
Finally just got mine. I wouldn't have gotten it if they didn't extend the event. Thanks Blizzard for giving us more time! I'm just so happy I don't have to run anymore MC LFRs for a long while.
Got on with my Druid and it dropped for me, i was so excited i was thinking it would not drop. Now on my monk, was not even thinking about the pet for the final day, just wanted the helm and would you know it dropped for me again xD oh what a happy day it was for me lol
Been queing for hours and # 27 run i got this pet finally along with the enchant! so u can get both pet n enchant at same time:D best luck to all hunting it still!
I snuck in the raid on this final day, figured I better get on with it. Something was wrong with the lfr, avg time was 17 min and I had been in the queue for 1 1/2 hr! Guess Blizz felt sorry for me because I got this little beauty. I also got the helm, so it is possible to get them both as a drop.
I need a server to buy this on that is affrordable. Less the. 20k any suggestions?
Not having gotten it but using a rough count from raid loot reports, it seems to be anywhere from 6-9 dropping per run for the ones I've been on. 23 so far... god help me... 23 MC pugs...
At least it's not the Crawling Claw; 294 Tol'vir solves and counting.
I just got it and it was my third try doing the raid. I am so happy!
Finally got this pet after so many raids and hours of frustraightion. Think my partner was more happy than me the amount of time trying for it.
Been trying to get one of these for weeks on my server. Been one on the ah for 40k but I wasnt about to pay that much so instead I convinced someone to trade an Inferno Tarot for it. Had sold one for 28k that day so I basically paid 28k for the pet. Was well worth it in my opinion considering this pet will be so rare after the 5th of January.